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Up norf init
Hello everyone! My name's Josh, 14 and from the UK.

In 2014 i heard news all around of YouTubes and more twitch streamers starting to play this game called ArmA. I had heard of DayZ etc, however this was different. A place where others can talk and have fun i didnt like it at first but when a certain streamer started to play it it caught my eye. I enjoyed his streams and thats what brought my attention over to ArmA 3. The gamemode was called AltisLife and i would sit on my tablet up until midnight watching the stream but one thing remained in my head, AltisLife.co.uk. I frequently saw a user in the twitch chat pop up answering viewers questions, he or she went by the name of AltisLifeUK. Up until this day i dont know which admin owns this account but that doesn't bother me to much.

Time passed i was still playing all different games and took a break. At that time i was playing on a notebook i was given for christmas, nothing special however i am very thankful for it to this day. Up until about Mid winter 2015 i took the switch from Console and small time pc gaming to full time PC gaming when i had the time. I started off basic. Gmod, CS:GO games that my friends had but as summer approached, me and a friend decided to buy / play ArmA 3 and i had nostalgia of those endless nights during 2014 and of course saw ALUK on the server list. I joined of course and played for about 1/2 an hour running around kavala typing in side asking which button does what. I decided to join the teamspeak and joined the G2A.com lobby and met 2 people i will never forget to this day. One was called Dan but the other was rather quite called Conner. Dan taught me the basics and i progressed to reach just enough for a rebel license. I did and so my progress move onwards. I eventually met @The Mighty Svojan and his friend also named Conner as things moved on i reached the mid months of September and met lets just say some very interesting people that were no longer with us as they mad VERY stupid mistakes and decided to break; 3F) Trading , 2D) . I moved on picking up people on the way then decided to make my own gang after the last had gone as the owner was banned.

Guardians Of Altis; @PaperPlaney, @DAWIDH00J, @scango , @Fryke those that i can mainly remember we played and practically learnt the game together, some more than others then i just so happened to meet @guyjacklin @ montana family base and discussed a few things. It eventually became that we merged into PFE. my best 3 weeks on altis. @adster mc, @guyjacklin and the rest i cannot link; hound, littlejack, thedayman, scottmcdermot.

It went on unfortunately to see the collapse of PFE and the emerge of new gangs. I carried on to gang hop so it be. Some may disagree with this but i always felt different about each gang, some good , some bad some just right but those died out. Things went on like this until the beginning of December where @Reece Smurf asked me to join the cops and told me it would be fun. So i did and thanks to @i got in! Was it fun? hell yeah and would advise anyone anywhere to join just to try it out. I made many friends and there are to many to list out but thanks to everyone that made the police fun for me and everyone else.

Closer to now about nearly 2 weeks ago i resigned but planned to come back just for a break to get my bearings right. Which brings me to now. Banned upset and regret full

Will i get unbanned, probably not. Do i want to , Yes. Am i sorry, Yes.

There are some things i wish i could clean up i am just waiting for that opportunity if it ever comes.

First of all. I am sorry @CMO Lharmon. What i did was foolish

Thank you all the gangs that accepted me.

Thank you for having the best fun i have had on games in a while ALUK.

and thank you @PC Sam Jones, @Morgan for doing the right things to hobos.

-Many thanks, Josh

You did the right thing by making this post mate, good luck if you aren't unbanned, but if you are we'll get a catchup!

Gona miss you bud, i hope you get unbanned and i will always remember you as the hobo that sung, well maybe that song was about how bad pfe was, but never mind  XD . Also your funny medic rp was the best and i hope that one day you will come back. Good luck with whatever you chose to do next 

Shame to see you go my ffriend, its a shame that you was banned for a comment, personally I think people need to man up and grow up, the amount of good players we have lost on this server because of "he called me this, she said that" is ridiculous, personally I think some people are idiots lol anyway, hope you find a way back mate, god knows you deserve it , goodluck with the future bro

Shame to see you go my ffriend, its a shame that you was banned for a comment,
He did say something quite bad like.

Either way good luck Genuine, you were a nice lad and I will never forget when you betrayed me on that roof with my MK14 - to apologize and own up is brave, and you done this even when me and Kylan spoke to you. 

Good luck buddy! Hope to see you back

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He did say something quite bad like.

Either way good luck Genuine, you were a nice lad and I will never forget when you betrayed me on that roof with my MK14
Sorry if I sound like a dick, but I don't fink it was , fair enough if it was a holocaust joke I'd understand, but it wasn't, it was a vulgar way of saying it was being run as a dictatorship and unfair, it was a questionable comment at best, an the whole "i was affended because I have blonde hair and blue eyes" was idiotic in my opinion, and to be quite frank , I'll probably get in trouble for that, but at the end of the day, this is an adult community, and as an adult I have the right to have my own opinion of somebody, there's no rules saying I have to like every person I meet lol

You were a nice lad, I liked patrolling with you when I was a PCSO shame to see this but shit happens huh, goodluck genuine mate ;-)

What i said was bad un-denyable but the only thing that annoys me here is being accused of trolling medics. The combat log thing was resolved as a mistake which is what i would prefer to appeal as i think the way it was resolved was childish and wasn't marked down properly however as soldier said my time is / has come to an end at my own accord.

Goodbye mate! True loss to the server, wish this trying to get people banned because I don't like them mentality would stop though.

Im gonna cry

a good lad that has actually been one off the best Rp'ers in my opinion off the server

You genuine

made me laugh some days when i had bad days behind me (u might not know but i know thats the point u will know now :) )

Cya buddy

have fun wherever you go and i'll love ya from the bottom off my heart (nohomo) but you are a great guy and i hope to speak with u again!

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Genuine - you have been very close to me and it's sad that we won't talk anymore - we have had many hilarious role play moments and I hope we speak in the future - I have quit playing as I'm not finding it fun anymore as all my friends have joined the police - good luck in the future and chin up josh - Ps you know that we need to exterminate every hobo we see ;) - Morgan 

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Its a good thing that you made that post. Good luck with whatever you are gonna do next lad :)

@GenuineAF I haven't really meet u but i have seen u on the forums and ingame but i wish u the best luck with whatever ur gonna do in the future 

the first time i heard you over comms i was like who the fuck is this why is he so loud and but then i went a couple of patrols with you and you grew on me. great at RP and i will miss you shouting and screaming around the lounges good luck where ever you go and hopefully see you around 

Love Koala Bear

RIP josh speak to you soon you little hoho it's a shame your gone you use to make me laugh my arse off when you was on duty as police/NHS. 

Love Fetty xx

It really is sad to see you go like this. Thankyou for accepting me into your gang and thankyou for helping me learn the game. I will always remember that last day I played with you when we decided to drive through agios with a 50cal off-road and immediately got wrecked.

Good luck with what you do next.

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