For what it's worth, the 'exploded vehicle dies forever' rules is not actually new. It was always intended to be in Tonic's code - he just fucked up the implementation of it in Arma3. (For the geeks who want to know, he appears to have implemented a 'single player' KILLED event as an event-handler for vehicles, which calls the server-side script 'fn_VehicleDead.sqf'. This won't work properly (or reliably) in Arma3, and sometimes fires, sometimes not (hence why some exploded vehicles never return to garage and some do). It all depends on the 'locality' of the vehicle and possibly the thing it hit, apparently.
On the 4th May, I managed to get this code working as intended (using an 'AddMPEventHandler' and the event 'MPKILLED'), and lo and behold, Tonic's original (failed) plan was working again. However, I have since removed it, pending further discussions and testing.
I did say on the 4th, via server admin messages, that would be lenient with regards to vehicles lost on that day, and I meant what I said... so there is nothing for the OP to worry about this time. However, please note - this is the last time I process you a refund without you filling in the appropriate form! It makes it so much harder to find you and your vehicle in the database!!! I don't even know what type of helicopter it is that you have lost! So - you have been warned!
I would have refunded you the price of a Hummingbird on this occasion (£453,099), rather than make you wait any longer, but I can't. Because there is nobody in the database with the name or alias 'Valqore', and you haven't given me a player-id to work with. So this one goes on the 'Awaiting Player Response' pile.
Bullitt's stuff deal with elsewhere (probably).