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Havoc19884 (Refused - RP issue here from both sides)

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PLF Samurai

Well-known member
West Midlands, Tipton (REP IT)
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): havoc19884
Time & Date this happened: 18:17
Description of what happened: See video
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Asked to be compensated for my gear but refused to do so.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Seriously man, You gunning down the road i pulled out tried to move and bam we collided, you then proceeded to get out of your vehicle with your gun drawn at me, then you threatened me to exit the vehicle or get shot. I was on the mic saying sorry man. Your vehicle seemed to still be good while mine was damaged and not able to drive. I shot you because you had your gun pointed at me. Through the text messages we sent i told you i did not have 50,000$ to compensate you. I had only 9,000$ which i transferred you. 

Maybe next time don't threaten someone at gun point.

Anyways i felt like i needed to come here to defend myself, because this person wouldnt give me a chance. This is my like 3rd time playing this game.



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i will suggest that you next time roleplay better BOTH of you. 

No RDM this time but just reallly pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor Roleplay because you could say better drop you're gun or stop aiming at me or you will be shot but no u just shoot next time better rp.

the guy had a drop on me, i cant really threaten someone who is already aiming a weapon at me.  But i see where your coming from 

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