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Hacker using other player names?


Neptune Beach,FL,USA
I kind of noticed this. I was at processing while hacker was killing people in kavala, and it said strike killed pcso(i forget). And other people were saying there names were being used also.


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I've actually seen my name come up before a few weeks ago now that you mention it. Hope this doesn't happen to me.

ya i was just saying cause wilco(or one of the admins that said to text name of hacker). I dont want my name being put out there cause they already gave me one chance for mistakenly leaving ce on(no point for this game). it is weird that a hacker can switch names like that though,even without it saying that name is already taken or something.

Don't worry wilco wouldn't ban you if it was not you. I'm sure he checks your GUID before banning in these cases

Exactly, Shadow. We don't ban on names alone. We have a number of other unique factors (including GUIDs) that enable us to tell who's been naughty.

Which server did this occur on, by the way? It would be helpful to know so that I don't have quite so many logfiles to analyse. Thanks

Server 1, we kicked a number of people out of trail and error/them doing weird things and it seemed to stop.

However it may have stopped by himself so i think he could be back at any point..

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