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Guio di Vita & Paul di Vita (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

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Well-known member
is a word.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Guio di Vita & Paul di Vita
Time & Date this happened: 2/3/15 Around 11:30AM GMT
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: We were having a party with the cops and medics, having a few drinks when suddenly Paul di Vita Clearly Purposely VDM'd me, I then ran after him and shot in the direction he headed, he then purposely VDM'd me again this time I managed to hit his ATV, at this time it was then Boris got killed as you can see in sidechat and then his friend Guio di Vita shot me twice and killed me almost instantly. One of them then took my Katiba 6.5 with a Silencer and DMS scope and about a few seconds later dzul my friend kills Guio di Vita. Once he dies a few seconds later Paul di Vita starts killing everybody there including medics at(1:40 [Video Time])
After that his friend Guio di Vita combat logs. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:
  • Gio di Vita - RDM X 2 Combat Logging X 1
  • Paul di Vita - RDM X 3, VDM X 2
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: No, it is clear they are a bunch of trolls just RDM'ing everyone.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
Please note that I still need to properly get my video recording software set up as it currently does not have my mic working/recorded...

Later on...
Thank you.
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I (Boris the blade) have been one of the guys who got RDMed by the De Vita "brothers" here is a clearer footage from my side. 

I way laying on a hill drunk along with everyone else after a very successful RP with police officers and the scene down the square is a drunk party. I took a position on the hill to avoid RDM and VDM as people were going crazy...how ever rdm found me even there.

Here are the 2 links with clear name indications.



Rules broken (initial report only)

Paul De Vita:

Rule 5

Section 1

VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)

Rule 5

Section 5

Medics = You must not kill a medic or steal there uniform, equipment or vehicles this will result in a instant ban, Medics are here to roleplay as a medic and help civilians. if there is a crime going on then the medics first priority would be consult with a police officer, however if the police are all dead a medic turns you can shout to them "Medic Rule B - DO NOT REVIVE"

Gio di Vita:

Rule 5

Section 2

RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.

There was no combat log, the person waited sufficient time to re-spawn before logging.

  Approved - Awaiting Action - 06/02/15

1421c460198f6211900d7c1123d5a19d -1 Paul Di vita - Forum Report 12/02/2015

5a027035c59cadd73c691175fb72e9f3 -1 Gio di Vita - Forum Report 12/02/2015

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