- Location
- UK, Peterborough
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Samuel Shire
Steam ID: 76561197985492744
Date: Mar 8, 2025
Time: 00:00
Provide a one sentence summary of the bug: New vehicles Have Incorrect Storage
Provide a full description of the bug: I was looking through some of the new bits added in (love them)
i noticed some of the boot storage was incorrect, so i have had a look about and listed what i can see is wrong this only seems to be on SUV and Offroad ones i could see.
Karin Vivanite - Showing: 100 / Should Be: 150 **Request
Weeny Issi Rally - Showing: 100 / Should Be: 150
Declasse Yosemite 1500 - Showing: 100 / Should Be: 150
Karin Boor - Showing: 100 / Should Be: 150
Vapid Ratel - Showing: 100 / Should Be: 150
With the Vivanite it is a large SUV minivan looking vehicle with a large visual boot simmilar to the minivan and minivan custom, so i was wondering if it would be possible to put the storage upto 250 instead of 150, as there are some Offorad that have the 250 storage like the Vapid Contender Custom
Link(s) To Any Screenshots/Footage Of The Bug: Can take pics if you like