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Great Altis Easter Race!


Well-known member
~~~Altis Easter Race!~~~

Tomorrow April 1st at 16:30 there will be a big race around the island of Altis.
The race will challenge your skill with different vehicles.
The first leg of the race is by boat from Kavala Pier to the coast west of Agela mountain.
From Agela mountain you run to Therisa Airport.
From Therisa Airport you fly to Altis Main Airport.
From the Airport you drive to the Stadium.

First one to stand still in the middle of the stadium on the field wins!

1. All server rules apply.
2. 1 driver and 1 co-pilot are allowed.
3. You may pick which vehicle you wish to use for the race. This must be one of your own vehicles.
4. You must store heli/plane at the airport before getting a car.
5. Your boats will be stored for you by the staff team.
6. You need to sign up for the race beforehand. You can do this by replying to the post with your in game name, steam ID and the in game name and Steam ID of your co-pilot if you're using one.


1st place: 10 million
2nd place: 5 million
3rd place: 2 million

Altis Race.png

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why does every1 believe this, its obv a 1 april fools event lol
By all means don't show up, you will be the one looking like a fool. The rest actually knows I organise big events occasionally. 

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Haywire "76561198122369466"

Notice how the prizes have no currency symbol and this event is on April fools?

"Congratulations, you came first! As promised, you have won 10 million golden easter eggs! Unfortunately, they are invisible. Because there are so many, we have stored them in a crate at your house for you... however, in the interest of being fair to the easter eggs we have made the crate invisible too. Thanks for participating!"
