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Goodbye crappy framerates

(ASR) DaiVader

ASR - Banned for advertising and copying.
Finally upgrading my rig, I currently have a Zotac GTX 670 OC and tbh it just doesn't give out enough power for what I would like.

However as of tomorrow I will be running

EVGA GTX 680 Classified 4GB (x2 in sli)

So I should easily get more performance than the loved 780ti.

Finally frames will not be a problem at all, can't say so much for that desync though

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Finally upgrading my rig, I currently have a Zotac GTX 670 OC and tbh it just doesn't give out enough power for what I would like.

However as of tomorrow I will be running

EVGA GTX 680 Classified 4GB (x2 in sli)

So I should easily get more performance than the loved 780ti.

Finally frames will not be a problem at all, can't say so much for that desync though
Make sure you got a enough wattage on that  PSU now :p don't want you complaining tomorrow that you forgot.

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Isn't the Arma engine linked to CPU power then GPU?

I know a friend of mine that upgraded to a 780TI from an old card and got only a 5-10 FPS boost, but when he upgraded to a i5 overclocked to about 4.5Ghz or something like that he managed a 20-30 fps boost out of the ARMA engine...

Isn't the Arma engine linked to CPU power then GPU?

I know a friend of mine that upgraded to a 780TI from an old card and got only a 5-10 FPS boost, but when he upgraded to a i5 overclocked to about 4.5Ghz or something like that he managed a 20-30 fps boost out of the ARMA engine...
I'm already using a FX 8350 4GHZ 8-Core and it's no over clocked so I think I have enough CPU power already

I'm already using a FX 8350 4GHZ 8-Core and it's no over clocked so I think I have enough CPU power already
You might want to OC that, make sure to get a good CPU cooler though, you can get a nice 4.5ghz from that cpu.

 I am running i5 3570k OC to 4.33 ghz & 8GB Ram I also run it with a HIS Radeon HD7950 card with 3GB RAM running at 900 mhz after a bit of tweaking I get about 30-40 FPS on average but if I record it can drop to about 20 FPS so I was toying with a GPU upgrade myself.

However I have held off as I also heard that Arma 3 is very CPU reliant rather than GPU therefore I am very interested in what sort of performance increase you get.

i have two hamsters in wheels running mine ... i had three but one of them died(he still in there).   :(

I am running i5 3570k OC to 4.33 ghz & 8GB Ram I also run it with a HIS Radeon HD7950 card with 3GB RAM running at 900 mhz after a bit of tweaking I get about 30-40 FPS on average but if I record it can drop to about 20 FPS so I was toying with a GPU upgrade myself.

However I have held off as I also heard that Arma 3 is very CPU reliant rather than GPU therefore I am very interested in what sort of performance increase you get.
Been wanting SLI gpu's for a while so here's my chance, but I will deffo OC the core then and il post the results I get tomorrow when new GPU's are installed and running

i have two hamsters in wheels running mine ... i had three but one of them died(he still in there).   :(
i have two hamsters in wheels running mine ... i had three but one of them died(he still in there).   :(
Don't knock it, hamster power pushed us into the next age, maybe replace the other hanpsters with ferrets and you'll be away for another year
