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Good Morning...


New member
England, now Altis

Here for a fresh start after leaving the UK. I want to start a new life in Altis, and live a quiet life, although yesterday I saw a bloke get shot in the face and run over.

I'm sure that was a one off though. 

I enjoy driving, and acquired a pick up truck to work in distribution, which I have worked in before. There seems to be some good employment opportunities here. Back in the UK, I worked in public service, and I have experience in airport security. 

I love the surroundings. I met a drunk hobo yesterday who told me to "get out of his face" and he then went home... Which was a bush under a tree... love the fact people brace the outdoors here and want to live within nature. 

I look forward to establishing myself on this island and live out my days free of crime, speeding cars, screaming hobos, drugs, guns and violence. 

Kind Regards, 


Started off a bit rocky but I hope you enjoy the rest of your days on the Island 👍🏽 get yourself a gang and you will succeed ten fold 🏅

Pleasure to meet you! Hope you enjoy the island! Police is always a career choice for a person with experience in airport security! 
