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Good GPU for High settings?

M Murrary

Well-known member
I have about £170 currently and was wondering what is a good GPU for Arma 3, been bugging me and i really need an update from my GTX 650

i have a 2gb hd7870 and i play on ultra, i only get ~20 frames though, but if it's better than what you have i would imagine it is pretty cheap now

£170 isn't going to cut it to play in high in a decent FPS, honestly. 

Is not just the gpu that throttles frame rate on arma is cpu and HDD as well

Both my cpu and gpu sit at around 35% and refuse to be used any further :(

Looking forward to getting a ssd to try and resolve it

6 core amd 4.2 water cooled

Gtx 660 ti 3gb overclocked

16gb ram corsair something or other

+1 to lionel. You really should look at upgrading your worst component. Post specs please?

Well 2 more monitors really depends on what card you have now really

Put ARMA3 on your SSD (if it's small, like most) and the mods on your HDD. Could you post your total system specs, please? We'll be better at advising you if we can identify any bad parts. Also make sure your motherboard supports the GPU you purchase.

CPU - Intel I5 3570k - 3.4 GHz

GPU - Asus GTX 650

Ram - 16 GB (Fuck knows)

SSD - 240 GB OCZ (I think)

Secondary HDD - 1 TB Samsung

Motherboard - Asus 97 something cant remember

If that is the bottleneck then yes :)

This doesn't come with a 100% wish fulfilment rate though

I have a usb3 ssd from work, but i havn't noticed any improvement, but then again that is a usb3 connection not a sata connection

If that is the bottleneck then yes :)

This doesn't come with a 100% wish fulfilment rate though

I have a usb3 ssd from work, but i havn't noticed any improvement, but then again that is a usb3 connection not a sata connection
i believe my SSD is in the 6 GB per second slot

Just make sure you know your motherboard model and it can support the GPU, as I said. Nothing worse than buying incompatible components. If they don't play nice when you get them, try updating the MOBO. With that beastly rig I'd save up for a GTX970, I really would. It's good bang-for-buck and will last a long while (in electronic component years anyway).

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