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Good Anti Virus software, and system cleaner?

Farmer Giles

Well-known member
So just wondering what do people think is the best anti virus software? 

Also, what is the best system cleaner and is there a program what features both anti virus and system cleaning? 

Alcohol wipes are the best system cleaner for your PC Giles. xD

I've heard of various different ones that would probably suit your own needs, would be better for you just to have a shop around on google, I can assure you you'll find one that fits your needs, just make sure it's from a reputable developer and you'll be fine.  :blush:

Be very weary of system cleaners. As you might know, many of them comes with Spyware and Adware which is nearly impossible to remove. I personally never use system cleaners as they are more a pain in the ass than helpful, I just use the Defragment tool that comes with Windows and also clean the chaces/temp's every now and then. Keeps the system clean and fast. 

As for Antivirus programs, I have had good experience with BitDefender, but have heard negative things been said aswell. Costs abit though, but does it job.

Be very weary of system cleaners. As you might know, many of them comes with Spyware and Adware which is nearly impossible to remove. I personally never use system cleaners as they are more a pain in the ass than helpful, I just use the Defragment tool that comes with Windows and also clean the chaces/temp's every now and then. Keeps the system clean and fast. 

As for Antivirus programs, I have had good experience with BitDefender, but have heard negative things been said aswell. Costs abit though, but does it job.
I Used bitdefender before, and i found it decent but it ran out a couple of months back so i just use AVG atm!

I Used bitdefender before, and i found it decent but it ran out a couple of months back so i just use AVG atm!
AVG is all fair and good! Only problem I've ever experienced with it is if you accidentally install another Antivirus program AVG goes apeshit.

Windows Defender



I need to clean out my pc cuz I have shittons of useless programs

My top anti-malware from experience in home users and corporate environments has got to be Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. They also offer an additional product called Anti-Exploit which both have free and paid versions. They are an extremely good combination and are light on resources. This can be run in conjunction with Windows Defender without issue.

System cleaning is a little more complicated, but CCleaner when properly configured is really good at cleaning out the junk from the system.

Other measures is stuff such as enabling User Account Control (UAC - that warning that pops up whenever you try to run a program as admin) which ensures nothing runs with admin privileges sneakily.

In terms of security, the most important thing in my opinion (speaking as a security specialist) is keep software up to date, especially Flash/Java. If possible, remove Flash and Java simply because a new exploit comes out for them every couple of days. Another obvious one is don't click on links in emails unless you were expecting the email.

As the browser is one of the most common drive-by exploitation points, it is important you don't install junk add-ons to it. Chrome is more secure, but Firefox is more private (ie doesn't send Google your info, tradeoff is your choice). Two extensions I strongly recommend are HTTPS Everywhere and uBlock Origin (like AdBlock Plus, but blocks malware as well as ads and takes less system resources).

Regarding passwords, I recommend a good password manager. Note the word good. The built in one to chrome and firefox are awful for security, do not ever use them. Instead, use something such as LastPass which is my one of choice, and another is KeePassX which is for Linux systems. LastPass has 2 factor authentication to prevent malicious logins even if you are being keylogged, which is very good. Using unique passwords, at least 16 characters for each login is also a top measure, which LastPass comes in very handy for.

I could go on all day.... but you get the idea.

Webroot Internet Security Plus, for the low CPU usage and no notifications.

Webroot Internet Security Plus, for the low CPU usage and no notifications.
I second this I have never had any issues with them and CCleaner

Never used anti-virus and never will, had the odd adware/malware when i had Windows XP but malwarebytes covered that.

Being smart about what links you click, attachments you open and what you download is the safest way to go.

Malwarebytes, CCleaner and Adblock Plus is the only things I use on my pc.

Avira antivirus

and slim cleaner 

are the 2 I use never had any issue both came highly recommended driver booster is handy as well the antivirus will warn you of known unsafe pages before you open them as well

So just wondering what do people think is the best anti virus software? 

Also, what is the best system cleaner and is there a program what features both anti virus and system cleaning? 
macafee its cost like like 40 bucks for like 10 devices in 6-4 months i think it can clean the computer you can have it on your phone to and ipad yea you get it ;)

Windows Defender



I need to clean out my pc cuz I have shittons of useless programs
Personally don't need CC cleaner, but this is imo the best setup for your average user. 

I used to use bit Defender, but alas like all other good tech products it ended up getting bloated and reminding you about how good it was and how special you were for buying it. also it has become resource heavy, it used to be really lightweight. That all said it is a very good security product with great detection rates and if you run mutiple pc's in your house its great to keep an eye on all of them from one PC.

I now use windows defender and love the fact it just doesnt bug me unless it needs to e.g. update or scan. I am pretty careful about what I open and look for toolbar shite on installers, keeping that in mind i haven't had an issue yet and have been using security essentials since it was released. (once missed a toolbar tick (happens to the best of us) and used mbam to clean it off)

Most import security tool to run is YOU !!! think about what your installing, if you download shit loads of illegal games from torrents or .ru sites ...... Well that like fucking in the cheapest whore house around, its not going to go well forever, you might be fine the first few times or not, but garanteed is your gonna get something.

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@Farmer Gilesas @Lemmenand @lionelhave said that's pretty much all you need.

I would seriously heed caution when it comes to 'system cleaners' 'optomisers' and all that shit because it's exactly that - shit.

I use avast AV because avg become a big bloated but Avast turns out to be not much better - i'm not a fan of software that habitually isntallers other software on my pc like their own browsers.

Defender and MalwareBytes are all you need software wise, and as Lionel already said YOU are the most important bit.

Say no to:

  • Free smileys and toolbars
  • Free addons in installers (always click advanced so you can desleect this garabge)
  • 3d fish or  Real Fireplace screensavers
  • dodgy attachments
  • ropey downloads
  • 'windows' or 'microsoft support' calling you on your phone because your computer is infected/broadcasting an address/reporting errors or whatever they feed you.
A good Ad-Blocker on your browser goes a long way too. AND FOR CHRIST SAKE DONT USE HOLA - THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY.

I use bitdefender, its about £30 a year which is a decent price because it's great for me. I often get clumsy on the internet and if im in a bad mood and start downloading things carelessly when they dont work bitdefender has been doing a pretty good job so far at keeping me clean. It's also got some cool features which I use a lot.
