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Left windows key

The windows key is also used for repairing vehicles, unflipping them, escorting restrained players and much more.

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Do you have a keyboard with Gaming Mode like the Logitech G110? If you do make sure Gaming Mode is off as it disables windows key and all other keys irrelevant to your game.

use your scroll on your mosuse and then there shuld popup in your left corner. and just left clik your mouse and you will pick apples.

You can tell you haven't picked apples in a long time ;)

Rebind "action key 10" in the config section to a key you can use and try that instead.

Instead of testing on apples, test on a car (that you own preferably). If a blue menu doesn't come up with any of the keys (windows, action key 10 rebinds etc) then you will probably need some personal help from @Ciaran.

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For future reference:

@unconnected has it right, when it comes to issues like this try rebinding action key 10 in your options menu, this is the one that is used for most interactions on the sever.
