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Getting into whitelisted gangs.


Los Santos Rangers
I’m not sure who’s going to agree with this but I’m hoping some people who have been on the server for over a year will understand.

The recent drug change has been an experience, to say the least. With whitelisted gangs benefiting from this the most, along with having Gus and being able to call packages, they now have the option of finding out the hot zones and the drug required. This is what makes being in a whitelisted gang feel beneficial and I’m all for it. However, I believe the roleplay within gangs needs to be incredibly improved. I’m not talking about the roleplay provided from gangs to gangs or gangs to civilians. But the roleplay provided when trying to get into a whitelisted gang.

I remember when I had first joined the server, a whitelisted gang was something you had to grind for and was seen as something to be proud of. Not just anyone could join a gang just for the sake of numbers. As a crim main I do understand wanting to have a full f6 so if you ever get into a war you are ready, but I think this is something that will cause a lot more people to stay within their gang, have loyalty and prevent gang hopping. If people have to wait a month+ to be deemed worthy across all gangs, I think it would help strengthen the relationship and respect between the member and that gang thus reducing people leaving for another gang a week later.

I know that when leaving a whitelisted group you have a month to wait until you can join another but I don’t believe there’s any real roleplay within this except maybe being at their turf so that if the gang gets pushed they can get involved. This is also the case with hangarounds that are made to wait maybe a week for RP reasons so they can still get involved. I think it has just become the norm to so easily get into that no one wants to roleplay anymore. Everything feels like it’s becoming more like a frag and police server than anything. Of course, this is something only gang leaders and members can decide to implement but it may be food for thought for the future. A lot of people complain about the quality of roleplay and how it’s gone downhill but we’re the player base of this server so it doesn’t hurt to try.

Please let me know your opinions!!
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This, alongside obvious baiting that's happening atm between gangs to get fights going that turn into wars (just because they're bored because there's nothing else to do) is killing the gang scene... or what's left of it. I feel like things like this constantly get brought up but nothing is changing.
I agree with this thread, from having first hand experience of how gangs required you to provide value other than a statistic , and taking a step back and seeing it slowly change. I joined grove July 2023, so not too long ago, however, the server in aspects was different back then. It took me between 1-2 months to officially become a member, and climbing the ranks was a whole nother story :ROFLMAO:. But this developed a sense of prestige being in a whitelisted gang and being accepted into one. Arguably this and the people lead me to stay for nearly 9 months before (regretfully) leaving. Like already stated by Kyla, it is down to the leads and members to evoke this kind of feeling once again, however, the security behind having a full F6 is seems to be a priority. Quantity over quality, however i am hopeful gangs can head in the right direction.
This, alongside obvious baiting that's happening atm between gangs to get fights going that turn into wars (just because they're bored because there's nothing else to do) is killing the gang scene... or what's left of it. I feel like things like this constantly get brought up but nothing is changing.
Yeah unfortunately quite a lot of gangs tend to bait with others because they get bored rather than just role playing. Like I said it’s becoming like a frag server especially when you become a gang member.

I agree with this thread, from having first hand experience of how gangs required you to provide value other than a statistic , and taking a step back and seeing it slowly change. I joined grove July 2023, so not too long ago, however, the server in aspects was different back then. It took me between 1-2 months to officially become a member, and climbing the ranks was a whole nother story :ROFLMAO:. But this developed a sense of prestige being in a whitelisted gang and being accepted into one. Arguably this and the people lead me to stay for nearly 9 months before (regretfully) leaving. Like already stated by Kyla, it is down to the leads and members to evoke this kind of feeling once again, however, the security behind having a full F6 is seems to be a priority. Quantity over quality, however i am hopeful gangs can head in the right direction.
That’s exactly the time period I’m talking about. I remember how much grind you put into getting into grove Nevermind actually being promoted and nowadays there’s next to no effort required. It’s a shame to see the server going in this direction
Couldn't agree more with the subject matter.

It makes no sense how people, even with a cooldown - can just cast aside loyalties and jump from one gang to another - unless some seriously girthy RP backs it.

Whilst having a full 25 tablet is nice, as you will more often than not have at least a few people logged in from your gang, I'd rather 10-15 that have put the effort in and have gelled, rather than filling the spaces like it's deadline day on the transfer window.

It's all very much a game of getting out what you put in.
I totally agree. My only ever whitelisted gang was Grove, and from my early days, I can probably remember around 15 good, well-grounded members. When I joined, I felt like an addition to the group, not just another number. Yet nowadays, I'm not sure if that type of value has continued. I believe that people think taking a loss is the end all, unfortunately, with filling up an F6 of "disloyal" members your bound to have members leave after a loss which arguably weakens the gang and puts them behind, hence why gangs strive to get 25, therefore being selective has its pros.

- Not sure if what im saying makes sense but i think youll get me.