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GC Fur (Action: Player already banned)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[GC] Fur
Time & Date this happened:
13.12.2014 02:44
Description of what happened:
Well this gentleman jumped in to our vehicle and after us taking down a wheel and restraining him he just couldn't stay in the car. After about 2 attempts of keeping him inside a car while being restraint I started recording. He acted like a complete ass the entire scenario and I wish I started recording earlier. I do apologize for my frustration towards him and for my lack of understanding, but I really think he didn't really deserve any better and I just couldn't deal with him any longer.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No, and I refuse to do so.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

I do like to point out that he seems to no longer be part of GC as stated in his other report here: 
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Well he acting like a child he is listens like a child so i guess he is one.. !
People just need to read some rules before they are getting into the game and starting like spray all the cops with shit talks !

Well this is a huge disappointment due to the fact that he has already had a warning from us because of breaking rules and that we trusted him because he said his internet went down in the middle of a Rp situation on his last report. ( ) 

As a high command of the Goose Cartel i am removing him from our group and in my eyes it looks like hes gonna need a ban until he can prove that he can understand the rules and Rp situations. Thank you for this report.

- [Gc] Madness

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He's genuinely just a toxic member of the community. Forever trolling in side chat, the amount of times I've had to stop him from getting people to break the rules by rectifying his statements is unreal. 

Report Approved - Awaiting admin confirmation and thread to be moved.

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