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Gas Station RP and Redzone


Most AR reinvites
Hello people of Altis,

I am going to tell you a story of what happened recently and I would appreciate if you could tell me what you think of it. 

Me and 2 others began robbing a gas station and sure enough the popo arrived. 2 of us we in the gas station and 1 "sniper". We had taken a ARAC guy hostage so we were feeling good. I said to the ARAC guy if you move you die (take hands off head etc.) and when I ran into the gas station he had left. My first question is is this valuing your life or not? I assume not as you woudn't risk your life to see if anyone was watching, luckily for him we weren't.

continuing, we began to rp, by saying the guy was selling multiple pack crisps separately (shocking!) and that he advertised sweets for £1 and tryed to sell it for more. And some more rp (won't explain now or post to long). The officer laughed said it wasn't our duty to rob him (fair play) and restrained us. We then said we had a "sniper" and to put his hands up and release us. We gave a warning shot and he said to his 2 others look for a sniper. The sniper killed 2 officers and then tryed to find the 3rd (guy who spoke first). We said that he had an option after each death to save the next and he said no. Then backup arrived and rekt the sniper. My question is that shouldn't the officer have valued the other officers life and his own instead of just waiting for backup, knowing the officers would be revived even though the sniper shot both in the head twice with a 7.62. You shouldn't be able to rely on them being revived and backup to come. 

Leave your opinions I just feel it is almost exploiting the revive system and more officers in the way.

Finally, what are the rules in the red zone?

Thanks, sorry for a big story!

On the subject of the hostage, it's a bit iffy but he got away right? Clearly he weighed up the situation and he got out. I get where you're coming from but I wouldn't really argue with that too strongly on the value of life front.

In terms of the officers, making a post on the forums won't get anything done and if you are in doubt it is always best to pop a teamspeak message to the officers in question and have a chat with them when they have a minute. I think it is reasonably poor if you gave a warning shot and if they knew the backup was coming, they should be patient in order to preserve life. In this case, I think it's a little trigger happy to try and get out of that especially if you claim you were roleplaying it but.... I've only heard one side.

Not much I can do about it really but taking what you said at entirely face value, it's poor value of life.

Oh and there's no redzone on the map, what are you talking about? It was removed months ago.

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The roleplay that the officers gave may imply lack of value of life, on the side of the hostage, fair play for him.

I do however also think it's extremely shitty roleplay of you guys to play the sniper card that more often than not is the go to way to every situation involving a group of robbers and police

Thanks for the help guys

The roleplay that the officers gave may imply lack of value of life, on the side of the hostage, fair play for him.

I do however also think it's extremely shitty roleplay of you guys to play the sniper card that more often than not is the go to way to every situation involving a group of robbers and police
You say it is shitty rp, what would you recommend to replace it.

On the subject of the hostage, it's a bit iffy but he got away right? Clearly he weighed up the situation and he got out. I get where you're coming from but I wouldn't really argue with that too strongly on the value of life front.

In terms of the officers, making a post on the forums won't get anything done and if you are in doubt it is always best to pop a teamspeak message to the officers in question and have a chat with them when they have a minute. I think it is reasonably poor if you gave a warning shot and if they knew the backup was coming, they should be patient in order to preserve life. In this case, I think it's a little trigger happy to try and get out of that especially if you claim you were roleplaying it but.... I've only heard one side.

Not much I can do about it really but taking what you said at entirely face value, it's poor value of life.

Oh and there's no redzone on the map, what are you talking about? It was removed months ago.
Thank you for the input, the black zone where the rebel bases are. What are the rules inside there and   same for the unmc place. Also the reason for posting it here was to get others opinions and I don't have access to ts atm :(

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You say it is shitty rp, what would you recommend to replace it.
You could do countless things, like in the first place not get put in cuffs, try to roleplay it out before the cuffs are drawn, roleplay that you were outraged by the prices that the clerk just jumped on the alert button, anything other than "release me within 5 seconds or my sniper will shoot you" is good?!

the black zone where the rebel bases are. What are the rules inside there and   same for the unmc place.
There are no server rules governing either of these zones.

The black zone is basically just a "past here there's a lot of rebel bases" line and doesn't change anything at the moment really.

The UNMC zone doesn't carry any server rules but the enforcing of the law is done by the UNMC instead of the police. Therefore while in this land you should follow their laws if you don't want to get killed. 

You could do countless things, like in the first place not get put in cuffs, try to roleplay it out before the cuffs are drawn, roleplay that you were outraged by the prices that the clerk just jumped on the alert button, anything other than "release me within 5 seconds or my sniper will shoot you" is good?!
Ok thanks for the help, if you said the clerk jumped on the alert button due to your anger at the prices, then pulled out your gun to tell him to stop the alarm, would you say that is decent rp?

There are no server rules governing either of these zones.

The black zone is basically just a "past here there's a lot of rebel bases" line and doesn't change anything at the moment really.

The UNMC zone doesn't carry any server rules but the enforcing of the law is done by the UNMC instead of the police. Therefore while in this land you should follow their laws if you don't want to get killed. 
Ok, when you say server rules you mean like rdm etc? Thanks for the help though!

Ok, when you say server rules you mean like rdm etc? Thanks for the help though!
Yep. Server rules are identical everywhere and don't change or get added to by going to certain zones. 

Oh and take it from me. Don't break UNMC rules. You don't want to get on the wrong side of us XD

Ok thanks for the help, if you said the clerk jumped on the alert button due to your anger at the prices, then pulled out your gun to tell him to stop the alarm, would you say that is decent rp?
Think realistically! think, what would I do in real life, you could for an example have the guy running behind the guy at the desk, and then the other guy could stand in the store and pretend he's the only one there and there's no issue like whatever!

Think realistically! think, what would I do in real life, you could for an example have the guy running behind the guy at the desk, and then the other guy could stand in the store and pretend he's the only one there and there's no issue like whatever!
Ok thanks for the help, when thinking of rp story's do you say what would I do in real life?

Yep. Server rules are identical everywhere and don't change or get added to by going to certain zones. 

Oh and take it from me. Don't break UNMC rules. You don't want to get on the wrong side of us XD
Yeah the United Nations Moo Cows do seem very threatening!

You won't be saying that with a bullet in your head ;)
I have been to UNMC on NHS patrol once (btw my rp is good but I suck at doing gas station rp situations atm) and you guys blew up the building to the left of the checkpoint! I am only joking, and your rp is very good! Let the moo cows live long! XD

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