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Garth Marenghi-unban appeal (Denied)

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zombie hobox2

New member
Your In-game name: Garth Marenghi
Your Steam Profile ID:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159302290/home
Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):STEAM_0:0:99518281
Date & Time you was banned: 01/04/15-dont remember what time.
Please copy and paste the rule you broke:Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance(idea) think you should give me a final chance for the following reasons: I love this server and never wanted to do anything to disrupt the community I found myself in.Although I was not fully aware i was breaking a rule,i have accepted  full resposnsability for my actions. Another reason is all my friends who i played with are now feeling apethetic towards playing,and because i was silly enough to get banned they dont want to play anymore. This is is slightly,but still damaging the community which i want to do the opposite of. This server means a lot to me and i would hate it if i could never even be considered to be let back on with a final warning. I also brought a lot to the community with good roleplay and friendliness towards others,i think i can do a lot to boost the community even more than it already is. I hope these reasons have helped persuaded you to let me back on AltisLife.co.uk
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:
Combat logging is a perm ban here and you have done it at least twice that we know of. This is not about your friends this is about you breaking the rules.


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