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Garage teleportation (Unbanned 09/01/2015)


Ingame name: eddie_000

GUID: 66d26436914b8b839372dbd5ce9320fd

PLAYER ID: 76561198065103523

Today I was on the server with my friend Daniel, we was doing a weed run. We put the trucks full with cannabis in the garage at athira, then we took a chopper and flew to the UNMC border and spawned our cars there. We then got ahead and went to the processor and processed it.

Now I just wan't to say I caompletely understand what I did wrong here, and im really sorry for it, But I also wan't to say, when I first joined the server I went on the forums to read the rules, and I saw the rules button next to the forums button, and I clicked there and read the rules 2 times, and then I went ahead and played, because I didn't think that there would be multiple threads with rules, no one has ever told me that, so I just clicked down the rules when I read them and since I didn't find a Garage teleportation rule I thought it was not against the rules. I just wan't to say im really sorry and that ive read all the rules in the 6 threads, and I really hope to be forgiven and maybe unbanned. If you wan't to I can give you all my weed because we haven't sold it.

No worries, learn from this and do not do this again.

I will work on getting all the rules on 1 page and a little easier on the eye.


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