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Gangs types


Well-known member
Can a group change its type, from gang to business and vice versa? If yes , how?

As of this moment in time I don't belive there is an option that keeps everything the same but if you really want to change the type, you'll most likely have to disband your group and recreate it and invite all the members back. I think it was suggested that you should be able to change the cause of said "organisation" / "group" however a decision on whether to implement or not has not been come to. 

TL;DR: Disband group/gang select new option and re-invite members.

There has been a post about this that a lot of people want this maybe the DEVS are doing something about it I don't know but this has been suggested a lot of time so maybe in the future

As of this moment in time I don't believe there is an option that keeps everything the same but if you really want to change the type, you'll most likely have to disband your group and recreate it and invite all the members back. I think it was suggested that you should be able to change the cause of said "organisation" / "group" however a decision on whether to implement or not has not been come to. 

TL;DR: Disband group/gang select new option and re-invite members.
Thanx buddy. But if a group disbands, to change type, what happens to common houses/bases? There should be a choice to be able to change type without disbanded... and at least not to be able to change it again for couple of months, after a fresh change...

I'm not entirely sure but if you've got a gang base I suggest waiting in case you lose any money you've invested, you're singular properties that are owned solely by yourself should be unaffected @Thanos

Changes are up in the server almost everyday... Is it that hard to make clear what will happen to group types (gang, mafia, business) and what privileges will get.

When our group was disbanded by mistake, the mate who built up the new one, chose business ... he didnt know, as we didnt know, what comes with it. It was just a matter of a symbol... suitcase instead of a weapon.... 

At least until the developers, will be able to figure out what they really want to do with it, or if they will give the ability to groups to change their type, we could apply all figures available for all types... ?

Am i asking too much? Is it so hard?
