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Gaming Chair to 5K progress thread


The King
Legendary Donator

This thread is so you can update the community on your progress each day, Please include what you achieved and any pictures or experiences

Please note Any non Gaming Chair to 5K content will be removed.

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I'll do it starting tomorrow. wish me luck, seems like I'm not spending my summer vacation on sitting and getting fat this time

And to top it off, during this time I will not eat any candy, crisps or other unhealthy snacks, I will still drink coke etc. because I'm not that strong

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This thread is so you can update the community on your progress each day, Please include what you achieved and any pictures or experiences

Please note Any Gaming Chair to 5K content will be removed.
great idea wilco the more people that can be encouraged to do a little exercise the better place this world will be , as someone who works in the fitness industry cardio plays a very important role in my training programme where i run 8 miles 3 times a week along side a my weight training and interval training. Along with the health benefits of exercise the mental boost cardio gives you is amazing and i encourage everyone to get outside as much as they can even if its just walking for an hour every day and i for one will be following this thread closely 

Alright, fine I accept.

I am severely out of shape, (not comfortable posting a picture now #whatisselfconfidence?) but I will try my best and walk/run those outlined days.

Also, I will put myself into Lemmen's category, I will not eat sweets, crisps etc.. like I used to. One day a week maybe (not excessively, something to look towards) and I will hopefully stay off the fanta #bestfizzydrink.


Probably for good, i'll die doing this xD

Day one complete

5 minute walk

1 minute run then 1 minute walk for 10 minutes

1 minute run then 90 second walk for 10 minutes

only nearly died


Just completed my first one too. Pace was all over the place, but I'll get there xD

I noticed it can also record cycling, so will start recording that too.


Alright, fine I accept.

I am severely out of shape, (not comfortable posting a picture now #whatisselfconfidence?) but I will try my best and walk/run those outlined days.

Also, I will put myself into Lemmen's category, I will not eat sweets, crisps etc.. like I used to. One day a week maybe (not excessively, something to look towards) and I will hopefully stay off the fanta #bestfizzydrink.


Probably for good, i'll die doing this xD
nothing wrong with having one day a week where you have a treat or 2, i do it every saturday. After a week of hard training and strict dieting your leptin levels crash through the floor so that cheat meal re-stores those levels, imagine a furnace with no wood in, it wont burn , same with your body without leptin lol, so put some wood back in the furnace and get it burning again ?

What are you guys using to measure your running i run every other day, and i have never had anything that measures anything like that, i roughly do 3-4 miles a morning :)

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Been busy already for a while but hey might as well upload it!

Chest/triceps/shoulders day


(Weight based on per dumbell/hand)

Flat dumbell press 28kg - 5 reps

                           24kg - 8 reps

                           24kg - 8 reps

                           22kg - 9 reps

                           22kg - 8 reps

Incline dumbell press 24kg - 5 reps

                               22kg - 8 reps

                               20kg - 8 reps

                               20kg - 7 reps

High cable chest fly 8,5kg - 10 reps

                             8,5kg - 8 reps

                             7,5kg - 8 reps

                             7,5kg - 8 reps


Overhead dumbell press 20kg - 1 rep(wasn't ready lol)

                                    18kg - 6 reps

                                    18kg - 5 reps

                                    16kg - 8 reps

Arny shoulder press 16kg - 6 reps

                             16kg - 5 reps

                             14kg - 8 reps

Front shoulder raise 10kg plate - 12 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps


Skull crushers with ez curlbar 23kg - 6 reps

                                           21kg - 6 reps

                                           18kg - 8 reps

                                           18kg - 6 reps

One handed tricep extensions 7kg - 12 reps

                                            7kg - 12 reps

                                            7kg - 10 reps

                                            7kg - 8 reps

Total time working out: 2 hours (Friends of mine tagged along so I have to admit I spend some fair share talking to them instead of working out!)

Tomorrow: Back and bicep day!

This one's cycling rather than running, and only quick bursts but it's still progress. 3 rides over last night and this morning to and back from work (yes, 3 rides... forgot to record one) ;)




Noticed only 3 of us have actually started with the running in Strava, I urge everybody to get involved... 25 minutes a couple of times a week isn't much :p

So I am a little delayed due to being a bit busy yesterday, However I am a man of my word and I am doing this with everyone!, If you don't mind I will run a day behind schedule and thrive off your progress

Day one:( Disclaimer this is good for me! I am older and alot less active than most ;) )


Thoughts from my first run

1. Well done!

2. Too hot at this time, Must do this in the morning for the next run (Saturday)

3. Must get some new trainers and trainer socks (Cannot afford right now so might need to double up socks)


Well done everyone, I am glad to see more people than I first thought get involved with this!

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Well done everyone, I am glad to see more people than I first thought get involved with this!
Wilco, a good set of trainers is a must, also there is 3 options to stop blisters doubling up socks will cause more blisters not less,

1. put your feet through a course of white spirit, this turns the skin very hard (not advisable for starting off)

2. tape up the usual spots you have blisters, make sure there is no creases in the tape it needs to be smooth

3. probably the best option, get 1000 mile socks, they are actually shaped to the feet, so yes you can put your socks on the wrong foot.


Is 2 Hours of Drumming Count As Fitness activity xD

(extra pool time )


just finished my final rum of this week 8.1 miles. I love running in the summer its all green fields and running rivers, the winter is where i struggle lol but im normaly bulking so cardio is limited some what and strength training takes precedent 

Been busy already for a while but hey might as well upload it!

Chest/triceps/shoulders day


(Weight based on per dumbell/hand)

Flat dumbell press 28kg - 5 reps

                           24kg - 8 reps

                           24kg - 8 reps

                           22kg - 9 reps

                           22kg - 8 reps

Incline dumbell press 24kg - 5 reps

                               22kg - 8 reps

                               20kg - 8 reps

                               20kg - 7 reps

High cable chest fly 8,5kg - 10 reps

                             8,5kg - 8 reps

                             7,5kg - 8 reps

                             7,5kg - 8 reps


Overhead dumbell press 20kg - 1 rep(wasn't ready lol)

                                    18kg - 6 reps

                                    18kg - 5 reps

                                    16kg - 8 reps

Arny shoulder press 16kg - 6 reps

                             16kg - 5 reps

                             14kg - 8 reps

Front shoulder raise 10kg plate - 12 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps

                              10kg plate - 10 reps


Skull crushers with ez curlbar 23kg - 6 reps

                                           21kg - 6 reps

                                           18kg - 8 reps

                                           18kg - 6 reps

One handed tricep extensions 7kg - 12 reps

                                            7kg - 12 reps

                                            7kg - 10 reps

                                            7kg - 8 reps

Total time working out: 2 hours (Friends of mine tagged along so I have to admit I spend some fair share talking to them instead of working out!)

Tomorrow: Back and bicep day!
Everyday is bicep day! ;) 

Well, haven't had time to run today, so I will try to do tomorrow and sunday. I will still be cycling, but that's not part of the challenge so will still do those two days.

- Marc
