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Future mayor WhongCheng's attempted murdrer


Well-known member
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The upcoming mayor is proving to be more unstable and murderous each day!
Today he tried to push one of our reporters off of a crane using a hostage!​

This vicious murdrer attempt was a tragic fail, as the corrupt communist in question took a slight misstep..​

Open up your eyes people!
This future mayor failed an attempted murdrer! Is this the person you want to represent us?​

An interview will be hosted at a later date, as the upcoming mayor is currently resting in Kavala Hospital.​

Get well soon, @Whongcheng

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This is fake news

All i can say is that this news woman whas trying set me up! she told me that man i whas holding killed a child!! as punnishmant i wanted to scare the man. but then the news lady whas faking the pushing!! as you can see she pusht me off!! if you people wana now the true i will hold a intervieuw to clear things out,,,

This is fake news

All i can say is that this news woman whas trying set me up! she told me that man i whas holding killed a child!! as punnishmant i wanted to scare the man. but then the news lady whas faking the pushing!! as you can see she pusht me off!! if you people wana now the true i will hold a intervieuw to clear things out,,,
Sounds good @Whongcheng I am waiting for the explanation and I'm eager to hear what REALLY happened. As always I will be looking forward to the elections. 
I wish you and everyone else that is running for Mayor of Altis the best of luck and may the best candidate win.

Best Regards (STU) Peter


#made by bob​
