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Frazz (from: (FaR))

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Frazz
Time & Date this happened: Tuesday 9 July 2015
Which Server did this happen on: Server #1
Description of what happened: Standing in black market zone, When i suddently get shot in the back from his gang without hearing or seeing anything.
What Rule Was Broken ?: Rule 3B: RDM (Random Death Match)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I have tried to message Frazz many times, as the only thing he answers have been to go to the website, that he havent done anthing wrong, and that he wont answer me anymore.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: I do not have enough evidnece for this kind of report (RDM). But i ask to not reject this as soon as you see it, as many others might have been affected by his (or his gangs) bannable behavior.
Please post any evídence on him breaking the rules that you have, if you have none, please post and say that this happened to you too if it did.

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