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Frame Drops...


Not sure if anyone could know why but lately I have been getting bad fps drops mainly when peeking or shooting or being shot at, I don't really understand it as I don't have a bad PC don't have stupidly high settings and I have a not bad SSD so I'm kinda confused. Anyone have any idea's?

If you are on about when the game drops to 3/4 FPS and looks like something made in the stone age, I know a temporary fox for it, it usually used to work for me and eventually the FPS bug stopped.

It is a weird fix, but worked for me. 

1: Tab out of game

2: Open task manager

3: Tab back in to game

That is literally it, if it works for you, it will work for around 2/3 minutes. So in that time, if not in combat, sync your data and log off, or hide somewhere safe. You will need to fully close down Arma 3 and launch it again to sort the issue out fully though.

If it is not the 3/4 FPS bug, I have no idea.

No hope, man... drops, lags and kicks... till our lads succeed to stabilize the server, i guess. Just Be patient :) 

I get lower FPS over time, with the only fix known to me being to restart my game. Anyone know fixes for that?

I've noticed that the stability of the server at the time can affect fps, u can be sure the devs are working hard to achieve stability and hopefully all will be resolved soon :) 
