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In response to JoeOToole recent post regarding the recent robbery on him and his fellow gang member. (Supposed bullying and abusive behaviour).

This is a Role Play server, i am role playing when i swear, it's part of the game. I am not going to rob you and ask nicely am i? I am supposed to be threatening and forceful.

If you were to join the army, they do not ask you to do things nicely, talking in an aggressive and forceful manner asserts authority which allows me to take control of the situation by getting your attention and to also let you know i am not messing around.

I do not continue this behaviour on side or on the forums or in TS, only in RP.

I believe if you asked numerous people on the server, i am helpful when i can be (both answering questions in side and within RP around the island) and maintain RP fairly well.

Regarding the "MANY" (1) RDM, it clearly is not RDM so the fact that you have brought this into the discussion clearly shows you either do not understand the rules or have not even bothered to look at the post itself.

Regarding the previous ban, yes i called someone a f'ing nerd outside of RP, i was not aware at the time that you could not swear outside of RP (given the fact that you can in RP). I apologised for that, it has been solved and we've all moved on from it. I have also learnt my lesson from it, as you may see that i warn numerous people about swearing in side amoungst other things.

But is it not unfair to bring up previous events that have been addressed already and quite a long time ago?

Though you claim i continued to hunt and rob you, how is that possible when we were busy dealing with your device and tempest? We were chased by police for a considerable amount of time before selling and scrapping. You were waiting for us at the scrap yard and failed (how you remembered about your trucks i do not know since you were killed, though it was not breaking NLR you are supposed to have no recollection of previous events). You then chased us into Agios and continued to try RP with us, to which we replied and then left shortly afterwards.

I would also like to add that during the robbery, i believe i was very honest and fair. I gave you plenty of time and told you that if you made it easy for me, by giving me the keys, i would NOT scrap your trucks. And anyone who i have robbed can confirm this because i say it every time. You tried to play it hard ball like most people, though you were in no position to, and refused to comply. I gave you every chance.

Also, why would i keep robbing you? If i have robbed you once, the chances are you have nothing i want so that does not even make sense.

I can confirm that we were actually 4 guys at the iron processor, and 3 of us were rebel armed, 1 hobo who had a pistol.

I strongly believe that they are attempting to get me banned because me and my gang caused them an upset ingame, would appear that it has hit them personally too. I can apologise if you feel bullied etc but i am simply performing my ingame role and nothing said ingame is meant to be personal. It is after all, a game. I, nor my gang, have broken any rules during this robbery. They happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We've all been there and it is part of the game. Like i have stated before on this forum, if there was no risk to it and everyone was happily running around making money IT WOULD BE BORING and the vast majority would NOT play this mod.

It is up to you how you want to play this game, within the rules obviously, so to accuse me of "bullying" and refering to me as a "horrible person" is actually in itself an offence to me as all i am simply doing is playing the game with my friends. You DO NOT know me at all. The only time i have met or spoken to you is within game when i am RP'ing so to make this assumption about myself is frankly rude to say the least and all because i have robbed you.

You have posted this in the wrong place and your video is private.

I would also like to suggest that you strongly think about whether you wish to continue playing this mod, because this will not be the last time you are robbed and spoken to in a rude manner.



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