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Flawless and BookKeeper

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One Shot

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Flawless and BookKeeper 
Time & Date this happened:1925 13/07/15
Which Server did this happen on:2
Description of what happened:We seen a armed rebel with a gun pointing towards me, I told him to put it away he done so by putting it on his back and his friend came around the corner and shot me straight away no RP initiated.
What Rule Was Broken ?:[SIZE=medium]3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: yea
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JHNXTVWf-c&feature=youtu.be

 Can I add at 12 seconds in he metagames [BG] Raptor and at 1:38 his friend BookKeeper  metagames while dead

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Can I just add as I was involved in this about 2 mins later, him and his friend bookkeeper shot me, raptor and ethan as we were spawning in, we spoke with mentors and they admitted to this. Samuel thompson was the mentor.

You had already initiated RP with me, you even lied in TS saying the guys in the car were not with you, you can clearly hear the 2 guys talking "What did you do?" etc.. (00:45).

We did try to resolve this in TS, i went for a shower etc and BookKeeper went for dinner while videos were uploading to YouTube but they have jumped the gun so to speak and appear to have already decided to take it further.

Regardless, i can understand their fustration with the situation, but in no way were any rules broken. They had already initiated RP with myself and threatened me with a gun and as you can see in the video, "Matty" turns around and proceeds to attempt to rob my gang member with a gun pointed at him for a lengthy time and being asked to drop items etc.

Although, i will admit there could of perhaps been more room for RP but in that situation where we had already been threatened and we had no way of knowing how many there were i decided to defend my gang member and take the shot.

This is not RDM though, you took the risk knowing there was more than 1 around and you proceeded at your own choice to attempt to rob someone in the middle of the town and unfortunately for you and your fellow gang members it didnt pay off this time around.

With regards to your pal JoeS adding his bit of rubbish to the already blown out of proportion situation/story, it was Raptor that was the "just spawned in" a.k.a  AFK, and i didnt take a shot at anyone else until you decided to run round the corner WITH YOUR GUN OUT AND AFTER I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE while i had Raptor with his hands up and initiated in RP. Also bearing in mind i was instantly being shot at after i took out "Matty" and i turn round to see a AFK player stood there and then they follow me down towards Raptor after admitting they could hear me robbing him. If they didnt want to be part of it, they shouldnt have entered the situation espically with guns out.

That is what we admitted to, so please keep biased comments or otherwise useless comments to yourself as that in no way helps or benefits the situation in any way for either party.

I was recording myself, but unfortunately i forgot to change ShadowPlay to record for longer than 2minutes (been playing alot of CS lately).


You had already initiated RP with me, you even lied in TS saying the guys in the car were not with you, you can clearly hear the 2 guys talking "What did you do?" etc.. (00:45).

We did try to resolve this in TS, i went for a shower etc and BookKeeper went for dinner while videos were uploading to YouTube but they have jumped the gun so to speak and appear to have already decided to take it further.

Regardless, i can understand their fustration with the situation, but in no way were any rules broken. They had already initiated RP with myself and threatened me with a gun and as you can see in the video, "Matty" turns around and proceeds to attempt to rob my gang member with a gun pointed at him for a lengthy time and being asked to drop items etc.

Although, i will admit there could of perhaps been more room for RP but in that situation where we had already been threatened and we had no way of knowing how many there were i decided to defend my gang member and take the shot.

This is not RDM though, you took the risk knowing there was more than 1 around and you proceeded at your own choice to attempt to rob someone in the middle of the town and unfortunately for you and your fellow gang members it didnt pay off this time around.

With regards to your pal JoeS adding his bit of rubbish to the already blown out of proportion situation/story, it was Raptor that was the "just spawned in" a.k.a  AFK, and i didnt take a shot at anyone else until you decided to run round the corner WITH YOUR GUN OUT AND AFTER I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE while i had Raptor with his hands up and initiated in RP. Also bearing in mind i was instantly being shot at after i took out "Matty" and i turn round to see a AFK player stood there and then they follow me down towards Raptor after admitting they could hear me robbing him. If they didnt want to be part of it, they shouldnt have entered the situation espically with guns out.

That is what we admitted to, so please keep biased comments or otherwise useless comments to yourself as that in no way helps or benefits the situation in any way for either party.

I was recording myself, but unfortunately i forgot to change ShadowPlay to record for longer than 2minutes (been playing alot of CS lately).

 Can I add at 12 seconds in he metagames [BG] Raptor and at 1:38 his friend BookKeeper  metagames while dead


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We tried to speak, but you both went for about 30 mins, we said we would accept comp but no response so we had to take it further. Also we had all logged in, it takes a while for the camera to come down... That's not afk.

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Meta Gaming now? Do you want to make your mind up which youre reporting me for before making a post?

Since when is using TS to communicate with fellow gang members Meta Gaming?

And JoeS, Raptor admitted to being AFK in TS you fool, he had tabbed out. As for the "you both went for about 30mins" yes, we even said we were going AFK and since we bothered to turn up in TS surely you would wait till posting?

Still i refuse to post anymore regarding this report, let the admins watch, read and decide for themselves though i strongly believe you are wasting everybodys time for the sake of losing a pistol..

I would also like to point out that in one shots video, at 58 seconds he also meta games my name.

Also, I am sorry that I left ts earlier , I had to go to dinner, I was still in ts when I got back, but everyone but me , flawless and a mod had left.

You guys claim that RP had not been started however it had been, when a fellow member of your gang told flawless to leave the area or he would be shot. 

I was then told to put my weapon away at gunpoint by a member of the same gang, how do I know this? because the hatchback sport that the first guy had gotten into was waiting to pick one shot up as well, this was the second time that a member of your gang had threatened us at gunpoint within the last 30 seconds, which in my opinion is plenty of intensive to open fire.

I do not care, and it is neither mine nor flawless's fault that you all spawned in, maybe you should be moaning at the members of your gang how had already spawned in and initiated RP with us as to why they didn't let you know that they had done ? 

The is no way (other than reading the messages in the bottom left) of knowing that you had only just connected, and all we saw was lots of members of your gang with large guns out, presumably hunting us down.

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Just saying not once did raptor or any of us go afk, we had just logged out of server 1 and joined server 2, i am 100% sure raptor wasn't afk. So basically you have lied about him saying that. As for calling me a fool, ill let the admins see your attitude towards members. As for one shot "metagaming" thats what happens when you scroll to get your weapon out.

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Meta Gaming now? Do you want to make your mind up which youre reporting me for before making a post?

Since when is using TS to communicate with fellow gang members Meta Gaming?

And JoeS, Raptor admitted to being AFK in TS you fool, he had tabbed out. As for the "you both went for about 30mins" yes, we even said we were going AFK and since we bothered to turn up in TS surely you would wait till posting?

Still i refuse to post anymore regarding this report, let the admins watch, read and decide for themselves though i strongly believe you are wasting everybodys time for the sake of losing a pistol..
talking in ts while he's dead is metagaming how can he talk if he is dead

JoeS just stop and think about what youre saying. Why are you even posting here? You were barely involved in this situation, considering you had "only just spawned".

Regardless if he was AFK or not, just spawned in or on his way out, he was physically there and directly behind me AND I HAD INITIATED RP WITH HIM.

So please now tell me, why would i need to lie about such a thing that bares absolutely no weight in this discussion/incident?

It is, infact, YOU that has lied about US.

"about 2 mins later, him and his friend bookkeeper shot me, raptor and ethan as we were spawning in, we spoke with mentors and they admitted to this. Samuel thompson was the mentor." - Your first post in this thread.

Now that would have to be pretty impressive for me and BookKeeper to be in 3 places at once (AND I MIGHT ADD THESE ARE RANDOM PLACES) while you all spawn in at the same time, because we obviously knew that was going to happen, and gun you all down before you even had a chance to move.. Oh and while i was being threatened by your other gang members.. Oh and while BookKeeper was being held up by Matty.. Can you see where this is going?

Matty.. "talking in ts while he's dead is metagaming how can he talk if he is dead"

Are you serious? Think about what you are saying and watch your own video.

oneshot metagaming in ts whilst dead : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btHBB5xvKoE
 This video was used in a report four months ago and you were not involved, plus it looks like you are trying to use this as a revenge report. So if you have anything to post make sure it is relevant to this case.

Rule 5. All reports must be submitted within 24 hours of the event, otherwise they will be rejected without being viewed

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