I was wondering if anybody has any Memory Error Fixes? Had some issues with joining the server recently. (Don't link other peoples report a bug about this, Only asking for Memory Error Fixes)
Step 1: Go to https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B03-H4YIbhkFQ2VsYUFidGpSb3c
Step 2: Download arma3client_profiling_162_137987_v14.exe
Step 3: Extract the exe in to a new folder on desktop
Step 4: Navigate to steamapps/common/arma 3
Step 5: Rename arma3 (arma3.exe) to arma3org (arma3org.exe)
(Please note, .exe will either show or not depending on your view settings, if .exe does not show, do not add exe in name)
Step 6: Drag the client you downloaded in to the Arma 3 folder
Step 7: Rename the new client to arma3 (arma3.exe)
Step 8: Close files and launch game via steam or steam short cut
Step 9: Have fun and follow server rules!