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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
It is with a heavy heart that I must formally announce to you the departure of one of the longest active members within the community. Always a dedicated roleplayer, a committed Admin, and an honourable individual - Sovereign, Commander of the UNMC, longest standing Admin, and Altis’ Best Ballroom Dancer..
As of Tuesday 10th of March 2015, Sov Ereignchenko officially stepped down from his positions within the community, and left us to begin his journey to other realms. 
It is a sad fact that every member of this community will find there comes a time when things are no longer what they were, and decide for whatever reasons that they must bow out. Some find this time comes a few months in, for others like Sovereign it takes a whole year. A lot can change in a year. I believe that for Sovereign, he saw Altis grow further away from what he wanted to spend his time on, and combined with recent adjustments he felt it was a good time to honourably bow out. 
But I refuse to dwell on his departure. Instead I prefer to celebrate the moments we have shared together, everything he has achieved here at ALUK, and remember him for his exquisite approach to Altis Life. 
He gave everything his all, much to the detriment of those who crossed him in game. ..The torture.. Oh the bloody, merciless torture. The unrelenting, twisted, grotesque and disturbingly creative torture.. I still have nightmares. 
He was a fantastic leader, not just to UNMC, but to TBR, BRC, and of course the other BRC. He knew how to command the attention of men, and he lead them valiantly. 
And as an Admin, personally I cannot thank him enough. He was always there for me when I needed help, he would listen, he would care, and he always respected my wishes. I genuinely don't think I'd be where I am now in this community if it weren't for his support.
I know I speak for everyone in the Admin team when I say we are all going to miss Sovereign, and we wish him all the best in everything he does. He was a respected member that naturally grew into the Admin position, and we highly appreciate the effort and time he committed to Altis Life UK.
So, in honour of a man I am proud to have had the pleasure of knowing, I ask that you take the time to share with us your memories, experiences, photos and videos. 
Sovereign, I know you'll read this sooner or later, and I just have one thing left to say to you...

Actually this makes me sad.​
I wish you ALL the best Sov - honestly. ♥​
I hope we still play Battlefield everynow and then and Hunter vs. Prey so I can cry and hide behind you!​
Thanks for being such a great Member - and friend. Eventho I shouted at you sometimes.​
You know if I shout at someone it means I like the person! ​
@Sovereign I wish me dear friend all the best. Love you! (All homo intended) 

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(;´ω`; )ノ

 Bye Sovie,
It was great having you around, you were always fun to play with and take commands from.
Farewell and may you have the best future possible :)

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@Sovereign you better still come on and have late night conversations about stuff I pretend to understand... :) All the best to you, will be missed for sure!

Best of luck and maybe see you around!

I will never forget the BRC days! almost seems like a life time away since how much things have changed!

Take care!

You may Not remember me but you tortured me, You did it kindly and diligently, for that I salute you. 

Goodbye sir and goodluck on your future journeys!

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Farewell my commander, may Asmin shine his light on your path forever.​

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