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Factory Resets, Profile Questions


New member
I like to factory reset my pc alot to just keep my pc clean. If anyone could tell me if my profile on Roleplay.co.uk would be safe if I did a factory reset? I dont know how arma works when it comes to profiles and all that lot. Any helpful information would be great.

Thanks :)

Uhmm I believe you'd lose them, however it wouldn't be a daft idea ( i don't think) to attempt to export them (onto a USB, just find the profile files in documents/appdata or whatever) and then move them back once the reset has completed?

Uhmm I believe you'd lose them, however it wouldn't be a daft idea ( i don't think) to attempt to export them (onto a USB, just find the profile files in documents/appdata or whatever) and then move them back once the reset has completed?
Not so sure about this - I built an entirely new PC in December and upon downloading Arma from Steam I found all my profiles to still be there. No confirmations; just my experience. 

To be safe:

Drive used for Arma 3/Documents/Arma 3

Drive used for Arma 3/Documents/Arma 3/Other Profiles

Back those up on a USB or such and you should be good to go!

You won't lose them since Steam syncs all save data online so you're all good to go! Just remember to use the same steam account. Ensure you have Steam Cloud enabled on steam! If not, follow this:

Drive used for Arma 3/Documents/Arma 3

Drive used for Arma 3/Documents/Arma 3/Other Profiles

Back those up on a USB or such and you should be good to go!

