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[EXP] Jgr. Jordan RDM

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [EXP] Jgr. Jordan
Time & Date this happened: 21st June 2015 at approx 1.15pm
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: Police had intel that a convoy was headed to weed proccessing so we set up a sting operation, 2 box trucks randomly turned up and myself and PC Jake Greene went down to intercept. i issued compliance as i went through the door, and within 2 seconds with not so much as a word spoken Jordan shot me dead.
What Rule Was Broken ?:[SIZE=medium]3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:[/SIZE]

 [SIZE=medium]Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I spoke to him on teamspeak and he clearly had no notion towards his doing anything wrong when i said it was RDM, i spoke to a mentor and said that i felt his not even understanding what he did was wrong warrants my taking it to the forum to leave it for an admin to decide.
Added: after speaking to him further he has shown a little more understanding about what happened, but by the time we had this conversation with a mentor present i had already posted the thread so from here it is still an admin decision.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
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I have spoken to Superhitmandan, and Ross (Mentor) I wasn't intending to Break a rule. It was just a panic reaction, I thought RP was initiated when he came and said put your hands up. I have already said I'm sorry to Superhitmandan. I think he thinks I'm just going to go away and do the same thing again which I'm not! I have over 500 hours on Arma 3 most of which are Altislife.co.uk, I don't break rules on purpose and if I ever have a bad experience I try my best to talk it out and sort it out on teamspeak with the people I had the problem with. Considering how many 100s of hours I have played on this server, do you think I intentionally broke a rule? I won't be making the same mistake twice, Simply because I love this server and my gang and Don't want to lose the ability to be a part of the community.

I offered full comp which was rejected as it's pretty pointless for a Cop. So I'm really not sure what you (Superhitmandan) want me to do. I have apologised to you on Teamspeak. Perhaps some form of community service in game as punishment? I don't know.

So Sorry Dan. Not sure what else to say really. Hope you forgive me I guess.

I do fully understand what I did wrong, I should of replied to you with some form of threat before opening fire. Which whether you believe or not I won't be doing again.

 "I spoke to him on teamspeak and he clearly had no notion towards his doing anything wrong when i said it was RDM, i spoke to a mentor and said that i felt his not even understanding what he did was wrong warrants my taking it to the forum to leave it for an admin to decide."

You clearly think I don't understand what I did wrong? I have since spoken to you and would hope you now know I do.

Thank you


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by the time we had discussed with Mentor present i had already hit submit on this report against you.

i understand that you after having it explained a few times had a slightly better understanding of what you did wrong.

i wont lie when i say it suprises me that with your having as you say "100's of hours" on the server you werent more aware of the RDM rule and circumstances surrounding that rule.

My previous understand was once RP was initiated you could open fire, I have never had a problem this my understanding, Clearly it lacks some detail.I really don't know what you want from me? I love this server. I have never caused problems like this before. I really just had an instinctive reaction. I didn't think and I was a complete idiot to put it lightly to not say anything back to you before shooting.

I clearly broke the rule as I now realise.

Is there not something I can do or say to prove I won't be repeating this event in the future? Other than my word I don't know what I can do, As I said, I have several hundred hours on this server. I wouldn't ever do anything to remove my access to the server. After so long, I am surprised I have never made a real mistake like this before which should be proof enough that I simply made a mistake here and meant no harm by it.

From what I have heard. My action was RDM however it was also bad RP which is why it is RDM. Which I Have admitted, I'm not sure if you were present when I said this to Ross though. So I am admitting it here.

I would like to resolve this incident and learn from it to improve my experiences on the server.

But this is completely up to you Dan and whether you think it has been resolved or not.

EDIT: It amazes me that I have been on this server for 400+ hours and haven't been aware of the more in depth circumstances around the RDM rule until now.

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So just to make this 100% clear. You don't want to resolve this with me?

I have 400+ hours on this server. Do you think I broke a rule intentionally? 

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ill be 100% honest that in my opinion you did not have any comprehension or understanding that you had done anything wrong until i had said to you that i would be taking it to the forum for exactly that reason, then with me and Ross your attitude had changed to that of fully understanding which personally i find hard to believe isnt simply saying what needs to be said to ensure you are not banned... that is just my personal opinion however.

this shall be left for the admins to decide as i have said.

Obviously I don't want to be banned and my opinion did change once you and Ross explained.

I see you aren't up for resolving this with me at all so I won't try. I thought this was an Adult community so I'm really not sure why you won't just talk with me to resolve this like an Adult.

Over to the Admins it is.

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Obviously I don't want to be banned and my opinion did change once you and Ross explained.

I see you aren't up for resolving this with me at all so I won't try. I thought this was an Adult community so I'm really not sure why you won't just talk with me to resolve this like an Adult.

Over to the Admins it is.
Just to be clear you have changed this post from what it originally said which i have only just seen.

ive told you the reason why i posted it and am leaving it up to the admins.

1. you initially had no comprehension of what you did being wrong in any which way shape or form when you more or less dismissed the notion of it being RDM and simply said it was bad roleplay which it would have been bad roleplay if you had actually used your mic and said something.

2. the only reason you start stating you completely understand what you did wrong was wrong and being all apologetic was when i said that i would leave it to the admins on the forum (this makes me believe that you are simply saying what you need to so that you ensure you do not get banned)

i took all the above into my decision to keep the report up and left for an admin to decide over... and with respect. no matter how you try to portray me as a bad guy and say i wasnt even attempting to resolve with you or having random people messaging me on the forum saying they dont see why i posted this is going to change the fact that it is here.

I have not got anyone to message you nor am I attempting to make you sound like the bad guy. I am apologising as i felt bad. I didn't have my opinion because or when you mentioned the report and only changed my opinion after talking to Ross. So I suggest you stop trying to make it sound as if I changed my mind to prevent being banned. I have spoken to many people who have seen this and don't consider this RDM at all as you told me "This is the police hands up" which initiated Roleplay, in any other circumstance where I had told someone to put their hands up like that, especially with a gun aimed straight at them like you did to me, suggesting you didn't want to talk, then I would of instantly been shot and it wouldn't of been classed as RDM.

If you had come in with your gun lowered, calmly, then I would of reacted very differently. What you should of done is from outside yelled, this is the police, we have you surrounded, come out with your guns holstered. Then of restrained us.

I understand this incident is RDM however this was more of a bad Role play incident if anything. I made a mistake, fine however what does reporting me like this do? It doesn't help when all it was, was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. I record little mistakes all the time, then talk to th  people on teamspeak and leave it like that. Why you didn't just talk to me like you should of,  rather than refusing to talk which you did which simply got us nowhere. You are reporting me for no reason. I don't just go around shooting people do I? Ask anyone who knows me. If I did, I wouldn't  over 400 hours of time on this server.

You should just accept my actions were wrong and I made a mistake in the moment. I'm not perfect and nor are you, in fact I have seen even the best of players make mistakes. I have never had any trouble like this have I? In such a long time on this server.

I feel as if this is more personal than anything as I don't think you would of reacted like this normally and if you would of then perhaps you need to change your ways.

I suggest you ask a few people who know me and perhaps talk to me with some level of maturity before making pointless reports about silly mistake  like this again.

I won't comment further accept to a member of staff as clearly you, Dan, are only going to argue.


id just like to add for admin consideration that i have had a roleplay scene with Jordan, he showed a great ability with regards to his roleplay and i know this is and admin decision but i would like to think that his actions echoed in this report may well have been a one off time that his actions skirted the rules the way they did. and perhaps a warning would sufice rather than a ban, however this decision is an admin, i just wanted to say that piece.

id just like to add for admin consideration that i have had a roleplay scene with Jordan, he showed a great ability with regards to his roleplay and i know this is and admin decision but i would like to think that his actions echoed in this report may well have been a one off time that his actions skirted the rules the way they did. and perhaps a warning would sufice rather than a ban, however this decision is an admin, i just wanted to say that piece.
Same to you Dan, I enjoyed our little session last night, although I was not in the best mood I think I kept my cool and roleplayed alright.

Thank you for that, I enjoyed it a lot.

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