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Everyone Should Watch This - How To Rob People - Initiating the right way!

 thank you mate! And I know bud that's why I made it
The amount of times I've seen people tell others to put there hands up and then bang bang shocked me hahah
 so I thought I would make this video to show them the basics which they could then elaborate on if they wish to do a nice fun RP robbery or whatever tickles there pickle
at least they now know how to initiate properly without a chance of them getting in trouble etc...
😂Indeed! Hopefully it takes some good effect! 

I mean we can always make a topic about good roleplay iniations  would be kinda fun :=)

and just let other drop their iniation and we can help other people get better with it. I mean after all sharing is caring 

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So, I can't shoot first and ask later?

So, I can't shoot first and ask later?
No my friend you will have to iniation like '' Hello there you silly pirate I really like your costume can you consider droping it or I will take the mighty pirate pistol and do a bit of a test on you and see if the trigger works, So again can you drop the pirate suit? '' 

No my friend you will have to iniation like '' Hello there you silly pirate I really like your costume can you consider droping it or I will take the mighty pirate pistol and do a bit of a test on you and see if the trigger works, So again can you drop the pirate suit? '' 

There was this one guy, who was spraying bullets at me while counting down from 5.

I understand this is a guild line and its great but if you want to improve your iniation ( not just telling Clarity ) but you can give it a bit more fun like

'' Oh you have some real nice clothing their buddy can you do me a favor and just drop that clothing? other wise I will have to use this big gun and I dont really want to use it again so can I ask you again can you drop your stuff. '' I belive that initation gives it more time for the person to react and it just gives a better feel to it.

If you think its something for me to note on this ination just reply ;O
This video was to teach people the basics of how to initiate, not how to rob people specifically. That's why we get them to put their hands on their head etc., and not ask them to drop their stuff or what not. If we're robbing someone for their gear then we'd definitely go with something along the lines of what you said, but that's not the case here

@Ant Arni Lol ahahahahhaha, Im on that high shit mate :D
Course you are, of course you are

Very useful video!

What @Ant Arnisaid 😂 It's funny because we actually recorded the long RP initiation whilst doing this video didn't we 😂But then we opted for a shorter video just to show the initiation stage instead of the RP stage :p 
