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Europa Universalis IV (Again)


Well-known member
Soo,I know for sure that some community members *cough* @Khandamir @Edgar Ville *cough* own this game and having seen CKII and HoI IV posts recently I figured there could be a RPUK EU IV session organised, We could either do just plain old nation picks or we could do custom nations if that's more desirable. One way or another let me know in this thread if there's any form of interest for it ))) 

Reserved nations so far:

Polan- @dzul

Ethiopia(if there's no Ottomans player)- @Khandamir

England-@Dongo- player didn't show up for starting session

Castille- @Edgar Ville

Unspecified small nation- @Tigerr-player didn't show up for starting session

Random mezoamerican nation- @RSF Simon Quebec-player didn't show up for starting session

France- @Peanutcat

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I'd love to join in sometime, sounds really fun

would love to play as England

I think that a session will only make sense with at least 5 players, unless you guys really do want to play!

One way or another,I'd make a pretty poor host with 60 KB/s upload speed and no latest DLC so am looking for host volunteers(would be best with all DLCs).

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Everyone's gonna make it for today's session?

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Seeing that only @Edgar Ville turned up I am moving the sessions for saturdays ,8PM GMT.

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I might be able to join tomorrow, if there still is room for me of course.

If so, i will take up the challange and go for a random mesoamerican nation.

(i am quite new to the game, so would just be joining for fun)

I might be able to join tomorrow, if there still is room for me of course.

If so, i will take up the challange and go for a random mesoamerican nation.

(i am quite new to the game, so would just be joining for fun)
There's always some place!
