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error no unit 750k

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Active member
In-game name: ShameTheDevil79

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198074344283
What was lost: 750k in money transfer.
Value of item/money lost: 750k

Quick description of what happened: I was loaning my friend [AG] Wandy the money to buy a Orca and it went to Error No Unit instead.


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I am so sorry. The broom that I use to clean the floor as I rush around doing all the other jobs appears to have disappeared up my ass, what with all the rushing around doing other jobs. Do forgive me for keeping you waiting more than a few milliseconds. I will, of course, entirely refund all of the subscription you pay for being on this server... oh, hang on... wait a minute...


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It depends what orifice you stuck it in, Mitch! :)

Shame... By all means donate, but know that donators don't get things quicker.

I've considered your case more carefully now, but obviously, in a great rush because you're so desperate to make me work like a bitch.

After due and careful consideration lasting precisely 2.390002324 nanoseconds, it occurs to me that transferring such a vast sum of cash without first checking that the receiving participant was not glitched, was a very foolhardy move. This problem is a long-standing and well-documented issue affecting all ARMA3/Altis-Life servers since their inception.

However, in light of your ignorance, suffering and embarrassment, I'll make a deal with you.

If you can find the player called 'Error: No Unit' and ask him to turn himself in to me at the next available opportunity, I will turn his pockets out and see if he holds the marked bills that he indirectly stole from you via this naughty hack. Whatever I find in his pockets will be yours.

Alternatively, you may write out 50 times in pink ink "I must not treat the admins like skivvies; I must be patient, and learn to live with my stupid mistakes, at least for a couple of days. I promise henceforth to be adult, not a dolt."

It might not do any good, but it'll make you feel better, and it'll give Mitch something to do while he's eating popcorn (pulled from a dubious location).

On the other hand, it might also make me feel more predisposed towards the idea of giving you something other than the middle finger for your insolence.

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It depends what orifice you stuck it in, Mitch! :)

Shame... By all means donate, but know that donators don't get things quicker.

I've considered your case more carefully now, but obviously, in a great rush because you're so desperate to make me work like a bitch.

After due and careful consideration lasting precisely 2.390002324 nanoseconds, it occurs to me that transferring such a vast sum of cash without first checking that the receiving participant was not glitched, was a very foolhardy move. This problem is a long-standing and well-documented issue affecting all ARMA3/Altis-Life servers since their inception.

However, in light of your ignorance, suffering and embarrassment, I'll make a deal with you.

If you can find the player called 'Error: No Unit' and ask him to turn himself in to me at the next available opportunity, I will turn his pockets out and see if he holds the marked bills that he indirectly stole from you via this naughty hack. Whatever I find in his pockets will be yours.

Alternatively, you may write out 50 times in pink ink "I must not treat the admins like skivvies; I must be patient, and learn to live with my stupid mistakes, at least for a couple of days. I promise henceforth to be adult, not a dolt."

It might not do any good, but it'll make you feel better, and it'll give Mitch something to do while he's eating popcorn (pulled from a dubious location).

On the other hand, it might also make me feel more predisposed towards the idea of giving you something other than the middle finger for your insolence.
apply water to the burn  :p

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Power trip?


All I wanted was a little consideration and a little less of you thinking it was your FUCKING BIRTHRIGHT to get instant attention from the admins who are all volunteers.

Compensation request refused.

to be honest I gave plenty of consideration..I waited a day after I initially contacted you regarding my post because you said you was very busy at that moment with the update.. I never pestered you until I asked you again today. and this is your response.. well done..pat on the back . your a mighty admin and im just a mere little player in YOUR world. get real m8..youve reacted way overboard for a simple compo request.. I did nowt wrong and always gave you guys the admins a glowing reference to everyone I meet in the game . keep the money.

to be honest I gave plenty of consideration..I waited a day after I initially contacted you regarding my post because you said you was very busy at that moment with the update.. I never pestered you until I asked you again today. and this is your response.. well done..pat on the back . your a mighty admin and im just a mere little player in YOUR world. get real m8..youve reacted way overboard for a simple compo request.. I did nowt wrong and always gave you guys the admins a glowing reference to everyone I meet in the game . keep the money.
ffs i lost around 3m+ i waited about 3 weeks and didn't get comp.   i have been weighting 2+ weeks for my cop application to be decided

1 fucking day are you serious you could of earnt more money doing coke that waiting for this 

Gourve, weve all got our cross to bare.
Gourvo not Gourve. but like ed says he is not a slave. look trough all the report a player and report a problem and look how old some of them are he is not locked in a basement Montenegrin the forums he has a life a wife and maybe kids. your report has been 1 day and your getting up-happy learn to wait like every other person

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Im not unhappy.. just taken back by the admin response .. if I was told it may take a week then fine ill wait a week but when I made initial contact with Ed he replied not at the moment ...moment being there and then..i thought leaving it a day before mentioning it would be fine.especially when other more well known members told me when I asked how long should I wait they said they have theres looked at within 8 hours..  he could of told me then it would take a week or so and even then I would of waited.. but no he responds like he did. whatever..I wont mention it again. the conversations dead to me .

>>>>   <<<<   intresting post that got cleared up pretty sharp...sounds a lot like mine only mine had picture to accompany it .

Could we please cry some more over some ingame money that has no RL value, that as a rebel can easily be made back with a late night coke run . . . . :D

Gentlemen i beg u pls lets move on <3 

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