Jones Geraint
Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
roughly an hour and 15 minutes ago - 3:52pm (28/11/2014)
Description of what happened:
Me, PC Euan and PCSO Tickle who are both my witnesses were picking up on an already ongoing hot pursuit outside Athira, vehicles and names involved on the police side besides ourselves were DI Snape, SGT JohnJoeegan. We quickly caught up with Elad and he decided to abandon the vehicle and run, I was the only one mobile in a vehicle at that point in time so I drove up to intercept and seize him with my tazer - which I did! (As seen in the first picture log) Though in the first picture he was already restrained before he opened fire as seen in the first picture where he is crouching, going from prone to stance. I was nearly killed then and we quickly brought him back to the headquarters. He was very noisy on voice in general as we confronted him about this.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Elad was confronted both in-character and outside character, as I sent him a message (as seen in picture two), I waited a while though in vain as I received no reply and I could not find him anywhere on team speak.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Time & Date this happened:
roughly an hour and 15 minutes ago - 3:52pm (28/11/2014)
Description of what happened:
Me, PC Euan and PCSO Tickle who are both my witnesses were picking up on an already ongoing hot pursuit outside Athira, vehicles and names involved on the police side besides ourselves were DI Snape, SGT JohnJoeegan. We quickly caught up with Elad and he decided to abandon the vehicle and run, I was the only one mobile in a vehicle at that point in time so I drove up to intercept and seize him with my tazer - which I did! (As seen in the first picture log) Though in the first picture he was already restrained before he opened fire as seen in the first picture where he is crouching, going from prone to stance. I was nearly killed then and we quickly brought him back to the headquarters. He was very noisy on voice in general as we confronted him about this.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Elad was confronted both in-character and outside character, as I sent him a message (as seen in picture two), I waited a while though in vain as I received no reply and I could not find him anywhere on team speak.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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