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Eivind - Comp requested

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In-game name: Eivind

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198001281919

Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): about 9:50am-10:15am UK-time

Which server: server 1
What was lost:

1 TRG21 with MRCO, IR laserpointer, and 5 mags of STAGNAD ammo.

1 4-five with 4 mags of ammo

1 Giurilla uniform,

2 Shemag(green and white) 

1 caryall backpack (khaki)

1 rangefinder,


1 CTRG vest

1 smoke grenade

2 first aid kits

1 toolkit

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): about 200 000£

Quick description of what happened: I had just geared up and disconnected for a few kminutes. Then I was gettin my car out from the garage in Athira. A chopper had crashed and exploded by the garage and me and another player died i the fire. I alt+tabed out to go to teamspeak to talk to a mentor about the glitch while waiting for a medic. When I alt-tabbed back 3 guys were standing on my body and my uniform and backpack was gone. I did not report the player sins I did not see his name or the actual bodylooting. I waited for medic to revieve me (he revieved me 10:15).

Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

First video is of me preparing to logg off, taking off attachements ofc and after a few minutes spawning in athira and dying becasue of the glitch. The second video is of me lying dead, alt tabbing out to talk to an admin. sadly shadowplay does not record my desktop so it just jumps in game. as you can see I lie there with my gear and suddenly it's gone with 3 guys standing next to me.



(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, that you had that money or items)
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Also I know the server wasn't full, but if you're going to idle more than 5 minutes, please log off completely next time. Thanks

will do. I thought it was enoght just to disconnect ingame. but I will log completely out next time. Thanks for fixing the problem

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