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EDIM Leaving - Merged

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Sadly I want to say goodbye.

My name is BlackBear and I'm part of EDIM. would like to thank every single person that helped me in this wonderfull time I had on Altis life. During the recent events of EXP being banned and people not being happy about the decision that Founder Wilco made I want to say goodbye. I had a blast playing with the most lovely people on this server and with my own gang members. I will not leave EDIM but I will leave Altis life.

I will let you know that I am not happy with the decision that Wilco made and he even telling us that we just have to fall in line with his rules or bad things would happen to us in the future of altis life. We never did any advertising for other servers.

That's why I would like to say goodbye.

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Im sad to say due to recent events that have happened I have decided that i would rather stay with my community which i came in with rather than leave my friends and still play on Alits Life.co.uk.

I came in with EDIM and Im going out with EDIM.

i hope that things still work out for this server


[EDIM] Jamie

Sadly, I am writing this to inform everyone that the Irish Cabby driver is leaving. I will keep this short. Due to the recent events and rules being enforced I am forced to leave. As Co-Founder of EDIM, we took the gang from nothing to being one of the most well known gangs for quality RP (Not trying to toot my own horn). The rules that are in place will make me and the rest of Emerald Immersion fearing the inevitable "Blanket Ban". Instead of investing more time into this community just to one day upset certain people, I've decided to leave. Sorry to the NHS, Thank you very much for the promotion to MD.

I will not leave the community that I've been part for far longer than Altislife.co.uk.

I will not stop using the teamspeak that all of my friends are in.

I have never advertised, nor wanted to take anything from Altislife.co.uk.

I will not be treated like trash by admins of a server that feel they are too important to speak to their members.

Thanks to everyone that gave me a great time during my stay.


"I will let you know that I am not happy with the decision that Wilco made and he even telling us that we just have to fall in line with his rules or bad things would happen to us in the future of altis life. "

Yes thats 100% what i said  :Cool:

If i have a personal convo with a founder of a gang i expect it to remain personal

You was in the mentor rooms demanding to speak to me, we as a community are not being walked over, if you want your own ts fine but EDIM dont advertise there IP here which they have done and they certainly dont be a part of this community

Having admins watch EDIM trolling in ifirts in kavala tonight its more of a good riddance!

Im not trying to be funny here, but weren't you guys here for like a week? :p I've barely heard of you. But anyways, take care! The few interactions I had with you EDIM guys were pleasant!

To be fairly honest @BratJaggesVlnd you were the first admin to show us the "Badminnery" that this server was capable of. Banned one of my friends for basically no reason then gave him absolutely zero chance to explain himself. Wouldn't give him the 2 minutes of your time.

Until this weekend ive never heard of EDIM other than today someone advised they had been posting there TS IP (everything is coming to light this weekend) and then there trolling with ifirts in kavala

Another gang thinking there above the rules, as for Brat banning your friend, no doubt he broke the rules... please note there is no explaining yourself! 

I for one100% support Brats bans

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After recent events im leaving this Island, i will not wish the server a good luck since i wouldnt mean it :)

Sincerly [Emerald Immersion] One Two

Regrettably, it's time for me to leave the island. I may not have been here for very long and may not be very well known because of this, but i have had a blast roleplaying all sorts of situations with you guys and girls. As one of the founding members of Emerald Immersion -[EDIM], I'm very proud of how quickly our gang progressed from "a bunch of hobo's" into a fun and hopefully respected gang.

Unfortunately recent rule changes have forced myself and others into the difficult situation of leaving the gaming group i've been part of for years, or leaving a server which i enjoy and have invested a fair bit of time into.

EDIM will be moving elsewhere, we would like to leave on a positive note rather than a sour one.

I'd like to give a shoutout to all the gangs that we've had dealings with, it really was a blast..

So, farewell everyone, and good luck!

Well due to what has been going on behind the scenes, I have got to leave as well.

I have enjoyed my time on this server and I am sad to leave but I have too.

[EDIM] Smithy signing out

Dear ALTISLIFE.CO.UK players, I am sad to announce that I will be leaving the server due to the enforcement of the rules and the recent events that have happened. During my time on altislife, I have enjoyed role playing with the cops, medics and even the rebels. (Can;t forget even some of the hobo's)

Simsy, I will miss you as the cop who inspected my Silver SUV and found a random dildo in the back after I had sold my crispy frogs to the biology teacher in Kavala. 

Axolotl, The only officer to pull me over and request me to sing Barbie girl because officer Fuel hadn't heard it. Had a great time singing it, was a pleasure such a shame my throat got dry half way in.

TI Crumble, I did not know you very well but your Justin Bieber request inside the party bus from Kavala to Athiera was one of a kind. It's a shame we didn't get to know each other better.

Guys and Gals, it truly was a pleasure playing on this server, I had a blast at role playing the Bank robbery, I had a blast playing with everybody and trying to role play myself out of situations that didn't look very good for me. I hope you guys don't miss me too much, but I do hope you'll miss me a little so then I'll at least know my time here on this server has been made worth while. Have a great time everyone, maybe even have a go at singing the Barbie girl song just to remember me in one of your role playing situations.

This has been [EDIM] Paul, tuning out. <3 


Well after all the stuff thats gone on i will no longer be playing on this island anymore i'm not gunna wish you goodluck because i can't be bothered and lets face it you don't deserve it...

This truly is a shame to hear  :,(

You guys were a fresh, new gang that started off by impressing everyone with amazing roleplay. It truly is a shame to see such a promising gang leave the server. Your rendition of Barbie Girl was amazing and I still don't get how someone with such a deep voice can go so high.

<20:57:08> "Wilco": which is ?... tbh after today and yesterday and someone now pointing at EDIM saying theyve given out an ip for a ts before i am not up for discussing, you know the score its in this post http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/33377-important-rebels-gang-leader-information/
<20:57:20> "Wilco": draw a line under this weekend, if it happens going forward we will look into it

I dont think i can be anymore farier than this

If you decide you want to take EDIM away thats upto you, but advertising on our teamspeak cannot and wont happen, When your playing here for obvious reasons we expect players to be on our teamspeak

It seems your founders english and understanding of what i said was misunderstood, But to be honest move on thats upto you.

As for leaving on a good note rather than a sour one, its a shame you all dont share that view, Any more EDIM leaving threads will be merged and locked.

Im sad to say due to recent events that have happened I have decided that i would rather stay with my community which i came in with rather than leave my friends and still play on Alits Life.co.uk.

I came in with EDIM and Im going out with EDIM.

i hope that things still work out for this server


[EDIM] Jamie
I really dont get what this "Stay with My Community" is... At no point in our rules did we state that you could not be a member of your community.. we stated that you cannot advertise that community here. You need to be on our teamspeak, meaning you can be idle on it and use your other one, as long as you dont link it to people... I think someone may of interpreted the rules the wrong way.

<20:50:05> "FA. MrKoronas": Are you here atm ?
<20:50:53> "Wilco": Always here
<20:51:24> "EDIM Founder MrKoronas": I would like to have a one on one converation with yourself please
<20:55:24> "Wilco": about ?
<20:55:53> "EDIM Founder MrKoronas": The status of my gang on the server.
<20:57:08> "Wilco": which is ?... tbh after today and yesterday and someone now pointing at EDIM saying theyve given out an ip for a ts before i am not up for discussing, you know the score its in this post http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/33377-important-rebels-gang-leader-information/
<20:57:20> "Wilco": draw a line under this weekend, if it happens going forward we will look into it
<21:07:06> "EDIM Founder MrKoronas": This affects my gang a lot and they all want me to sort the matter out with yourself. If I did not think that a conversation between us would be the best option then I would not being coming to contact yourself. In my eyes this is a serious matter and I would like to clear it up just now so both of us can get back to doing what we do.
<21:09:59> "Wilco": you either fall in line with what we do here or disband as EDIM on this server its that simple
<21:10:09> "Wilco": we have been walked over too many times we are done with it
<21:10:40> "EDIM Founder MrKoronas": Look I'm not here to walk over you I'm here to walk with you
<21:11:23> "Wilco": then read the post and follow it

Basically now this is merged heres the convo between myself and your founder who was demanding our mentor imstyle to speak to me dispite not responding to me here

I am a busy person and have alot of member support waiting, Its not one rule for one gang and one for another, Like i said if your not going to follow the simple rules you disband as EDIM "ON THIS SERVER" which means you dont play as EDIM here you just play as civs or form another gang that is willing to follow those rules.

It doesn't mean disbanding whatever you have or leaving it

Seeing your moving to another i wish you good luck what we wont have and never will have is people advertising there own TS here which has happened with EDIM but as you see above i was fair as usual and was willing to draw a line.

End of matter, anyone from EDIM wanting to post a goodbye thats on good terms ill merge it into this.

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