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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): BlackBear
Time & Date this happened: 09/08/2015 17:40pm
Which Server did this happen on: server 1
Description of what happened: we were in an emergency to save someone from getting robbed and we took a repair kit out of the offroad , we repair the car and start driving he asks for his car back once (which was not his) and he opens fire on the car at all of us killing one of our gang members , we then asked him to come on ts where his attitude to the situation was that he didn't care and left the ts as we were explaining what he did wrong which was very rude. 
What Rule Was Broken ?: 3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

 Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: yes the player didn't care and his attitude was very bad to the situation , then he left the ts after 30 seconds not allowing us to tell him what he did wrong 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LibqtpFWAuY&feature=youtu.be
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
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My side of the story:

Description of what happend: I was driving towards Agios when a car hit me from the other side of the road. We both crashed and after that I asked the man why he was driving on the wrong side of the road he held a gun to my head. After that the man held me up with a gun telling me to move away from my car because they wanted to use my repair kit. I warned them TWICE to NOT take my repair kit. After they did I pulled out my gun and asked them to stop repairing their car TWICE more. The man still didn't care and drove off. I shot the car and they called it RDM.

BEFORE they asked me to move away from the car they had their guns out wich is not displayed in the video. The proof the man gave is only the things I did ''wrong''. The man doesn't show what happend before I shot.

I joined their teamspeak and they didn't want to hear my side of the story. After  I joined teamspeak I was done after being called a ''Rdm'er'' and a ''Idiot'' for not doing what they wanted me to do.

I have NOT broken ANY role in this case. I had every right to shoot him after I warned him 4 times and he held a gun to my head wich is NOT displayed in the video.


Hazelnut In Caramel here. I took the Video.

You can cleary see what happend before you took the shot. No wait, ill post more proof =) 


Sorry Admins, if I didnt put up the whole Video from the beginning but I thought it would be enough evidence.

BEFORE they asked me to move away from the car they had their guns out wich is not displayed in the video. The proof the man gave is only the things I did ''wrong''. The man doesn't show what happend before I shot.
We never had our guns out, I even put my gun back after I knew what happend (you can see it), we never threatend you with guns, even the officer gave his repair kit. You dont talk at all, when you are talking there is no RP at all. I even say sorry, this is an emergency. You say something mumbling, i guess it is (after watching the video a couple of times): "Dont take the repair kit" Fair enough. But what about this.

If an officer shows up, and gives you a Kit, you should use comon sense. Apart that for us all it was RDM, you didnt valued your life at all. You start a firefight right next to the cops, for a reason that the officer fixed for you. A toolkit. 

If you said "Hands away from the toolkit or i will kill you", that would make sense. If you just mumble stuff in your mic... well we cant read your mind to know what you up to.

I have NOT broken ANY role in this case. I had every right to shoot him after I warned him 4 times and he held a gun to my head wich is NOT displayed in the video.

Can you please point out where you warned us 4 times and where we were so hostile that we put a gun to your head?

Everything you said, is beeing proofed wrong by the video.

We were all in TS and your attitude was "No you guys are wrong, I am in the right. Does not matter if it goes on the forums or not." A sorry would have been enough. 

You told your part. Now the Admins shall decide.

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The thing is you guys are screaming in the mic It's hard for me to hear myself in the video aswell. Also the person who recorded it is in the car half of the time and sound is less loud when in a vechicle.

We also was a cop near the sight that didn't tell me I did anything wrong. He told me to leave the area and I left when YOU came after me. I also have a slight accent because I'm not English , maybe that is why you haven't heard me?

Once again I don't think I've done anything wrong in my case. You maybe misunderstood me? Maybe you should of not STOLEN my Tookit? Maybe you should not drive at the wrong side of the road? These are points that makes me innocent. Yes I did shoot you. Yes I told you guys to stop repairing your car. No I did not RDM in this case.

I have NOT broken ANY role in this case. I had every right to shoot him after I warned him 4 times and he held a gun to my head wich is NOT displayed in the video.

Can you please point out where you warned us 4 times and where we were so hostile that we put a gun to your head?

For me, its seems like you are lying. I asked you to please point out these points. You didnt.

Blackbeard wrote: " I was driving towards Agios when a car hit me from the other side of the road. We both crashed and after that I asked the man why he was driving on the wrong side of the road he held a gun to my head. After that the man held me up with a gun telling me to move away from my car because they wanted to use my repair kit.

Where does that happen? You sure you played the same game as we did? Your story has so many holes. You are clearly lying.

Drive on the right side of the road? Please check the video, we are. Till wse are getting spikestripped.

I am in the car, thats why I cant hear you? Strange, everytime someone tells me to get out of my car in direct, i can hear him cleary. Otherwise, how would, for example, robbing a HMMT work? That excuse is meh.

Your logic sounds like this:

Next time I see a guy who is repairing his car I will tell him in a normal voice, mumbling in my mic: 

"Stop repairing the car" If he continues, I will shoot him.

A simple sorry would have been a solution. Yet still, after showing more proof you insist.

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Lmao I love how you tell me in the Teamspeak that you are going to report me even if I said sorry it wouldn't made any diffrence.

No one was screaming. Screaming is childish, this is an Adult RP Server.

Even now i am calm and asking againg, to proof, with the Video that shows us all, the points you made.

If your post is nonsense and ignoring my questions, it will be my last answer.

I'm not ignoring any question. I'm saying that you guys got mad at me. I got mad at you guys. I swear I told you to stop taking my Tool kit. My mic is bad I know that but I know for a fact that I did tell you guys to stop taking my Kit because I needed it for myself. When I joined your Teamspeak you guys got mad at me and I got really Salty about it. It wasn't my intention to get Salty so I left for my own good. I knew I was going to get really mad because this never happend to me before.

I can't rewind time. I'm sorry but it happend. I am sure I warned you more then enough times and that's why I shot. I've Always done good RP and I don't think I messed up this time.

Report A Player Rules

1. Reports are not up for discussion, Anyone posting in a report who is not the reporter or the person they have reported then your post will be deleted and a warning point given (Restricts you posting for 7 days)

You have nothing to say here. This post will be deleted. Once again sorry for what happend.

Huh? What are you talking? I am the guy providing the Video proof, and I was part of the RDM and survived barely.

I dont understand what you are trying to do here. But please... stop it. You told enough lies already.

Are you trying to destroy my proof or what? Ayy.

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Lies? No sir I haven't lied. And these rules are on the forums. Only the person who reported me is allowed to post on this forum page. I'm trying to say that your post are invaled. The thing is that we started this on a bad side. If we both did things diffrent at the start of the ''RDM'' we would of not be here.

Once again sorry for what happend.

If this is the case, that I cant talk about it, after it was MY Video, I am sorry Admin. 

But my friend Judge cant post now, and asked me to take over. I am not a random guy that just wants to leave stupid comments to troll or to laugh. 

I think the Admin will see this. If not, sorry, it wont happen again.

Enough is enough BlackBear. We shall wait patiently.

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Denied - Unclear what really happened here. I think this bullshitting between each other is already enough punishment.

Bear see this as an official warning. Just don't do this again and make sure it is RPed better next time. Next time it will be a ban. Peace.

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