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Eddie_000 Apology (Denied)

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Your In-game name: Eddie_000

Your Steam Profile ID: DemLulz

Your GUID: Don't remember how to fix it but ill get it asap

Date and time you was banned: Somewhere around 3 or 4 months ago

Please copy and paste what rule you broke: Rules have changed so i can't copy and paste but i called a police officer kid

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I understand what ive done and i feel really bad for it, id just like to play and have fun again, because ive seen altislife.co.uk is the ony fun altis server and im really sorry for what ive done, i hipe you forgive me for one last chance after a few months.

We are fully inforcing the 2 strike rule here now. Decision was made at the time to deny your dispute and nothing has changed.


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