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Dwayne Johnson, Crysis and LTjelloman (Action: Bans Issued 15/03/2015)

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I like boats
Under a rock
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Dwayne Johnson, Crysis and Tjelloman
Time & Date this happened: 8:30-9:00
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: Dwayne johnson combatlogged when told to drop his weapon. This guy also RDM'ed me inside the Athira HQ but got no proof of that.
Was told to surrender and before he was done speaking I was shot.
Crysis helped them in their rule-breakages
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM & combatlog
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sent a message but no response
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

(combatlog) http://youtu.be/NPhCy356HRE (rdm)
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As an officer of the police, the only thing you did wrong was calling "c*nt" to that player in the first vid. Unnecessary in my view.

As an officer of the police, the only thing you did wrong was calling "c*nt" to that player in the first vid. Unnecessary in my view.
Hes combat logged at that point... tbh the amount of times it happens i would be using stronger words.

Bans Issued, These guys are all in the same gang so i think they need to all go and read our rules.

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