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Dugster (Action: Ban Issued 22/12/2014)

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Legendary Donator
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
dugster - he has recently changed his name, but still has dugster in it.
Time & Date this happened:
Thursday afternoon
Description of what happened:
We went to the weed processing after stealing his vehicle at the weed field. We killed him and his friend as they opened fire.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
I did through the Mobile phone but he did not respond.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
1:30 for start.

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Hold on a minute. You hadn't said a single thing to me through the mobile phone. My friend and i were gathering at the weed field and you and your friends turned up and started the fight thank you. Also We had shouted numerous times to stop the trucks and we also has shouted at you when you stopped and got out. So don't pull this bullshit and make me out to be the bad one here. We had retired from trying to gather weed and turned to robbing people at the weed processing. DeathReaper and his friend nicholas can back us up on this one thank you.

I shouted when you drove the truck past the buildings we weere in and you did not comply I can hear from the video that when you reached the processor that we must had been to far away but when you drove in I had shout many a time for you to stop the vehicle, get out and hold your hands above your head. You and your friends must seriously be pathetic if you're going to be this petty and upload a video of 'apparent rdm' I might be new to this community but I had played many roleplay servers before and I wouldn't break role play for an event that happened before.

Hold on a minute. You hadn't said a single thing to me through the mobile phone. My friend and i were gathering at the weed field and you and your friends turned up and started the fight thank you. Also We had shouted numerous times to stop the trucks and we also has shouted at you when you stopped and got out. So don't pull this bullshit and make me out to be the bad one here. We had retired from trying to gather weed and turned to robbing people at the weed processing. DeathReaper and his friend nicholas can back us up on this one thank you.
Do you have any evidence? 

I was there at time. - dugster was shouting "Get out the truck put ur hands up" they didnt comply? - so they were shot. 

i don't know whether you lot were too far away - or u cant hear over the heli 
I'm not going on anyone's opinion here, I was shot without any RP.

Ruined my experience and my team mates. 

unfortunately for me I do not record 24/7 in fact I don't have any applications that can record my game play otherwise i would. This is all just hearsay. 

unfortunately for me I do not record 24/7 in fact I don't have any applications that can record my game play otherwise i would. This is all just hearsay. 
Even of you did, this is piss poor role play.

I don't see how, I asked you to get out of the vehicle and put your hands on top of you head. You did not respond and both climbed from the truck with weapons.
We indeed climbed out, but did we shoot? or even point them?

no is your answer, we were both facing the truck not being hostile. 

Can you sue your common sense?

You didn't even bother to reply? What did you want me to do? Say okay well maybe these guys didn't hear me so let run up to them so they can shoot me? No that would be stupid. It's simple you didn't comply and I tried my hardest for you to hear but clearly you didn't or you ignore the threats. 

You didn't even bother to reply? What did you want me to do? Say okay well maybe these guys didn't hear me so let run up to them so they can shoot me? No that would be stupid. It's simple you didn't comply and I tried my hardest for you to hear but clearly you didn't or you ignore the threats. 
can you not hear in the video? I did not hear you, hence why I said 'do you use common sense?'

Tbh I don't believe you said anything.

I wouldn't of given a shit if you would of role-played and killed me, fair game. but you just shot me.

can you not hear in the video? I did not hear you, hence why I said 'do you use common sense?'

Tbh I don't believe you said anything.

I wouldn't of given a shit if you would of role-played and killed me, fair game. but you just shot me.
I watched the video also and I will say that it is hard to hear with your engine running but I shouted at you and your friend none the less. I'm sorry if you did not hear what I had said but this is not my fault. At the end of the day it was fair game and there was roleplay and the killing was not random. I don't really understand what you have against me as I had committed no crimes against the server rules. I understand you're probably upset to find that you had lost weapons and money but that is the risk you take when you deal with drugs.

I watched the video also and I will say that it is hard to hear with your engine running but I shouted at you and your friend none the less. I'm sorry if you did not hear what I had said but this is not my fault. At the end of the day it was fair game and there was roleplay and the killing was not random. I don't really understand what you have against me as I had committed no crimes against the server rules. I understand you're probably upset to find that you had lost weapons and money but that is the risk you take when you deal with drugs.
I don't care about the weapons/gear, I care about the role-play and was pissed off as there could have been potential. 

At my end no RP was initiated.

I'm sorry that you feel that way but I had role play and I had tried my best but you and your friend had ignored the warnings. I'm going to sleep now so if you really wish we can continue this petty argument tomorrow. Goodnight.

I'm sorry that you feel that way but I had role play and I had tried my best but you and your friend had ignored the warnings. I'm going to sleep now so if you really wish we can continue this petty argument tomorrow. Goodnight.
oh god.

Ignore your warnings? what warnings?

Do you want me to upload the video at the weed field? that should up my argument.

The video at the weed field contains footage of you rather shoot than role-play.

That video shows me retaliating thank you. I'm not going to bother trying to resolve this with you anymore as you're being extremely unreasonable. I'm not going to continue wasting my time arguing with you. If i am deemed fit to be banned for this then I will be writing a ban appeal because this is damn right outrageous and silly. Goodnight.

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Well a simple resume to all that happen on that day, we were talking with you at the weed field idk what happen you shot at one of my friends and we killed your other friend and you. Then you decided to  proceed with the RP after being dead *Breaking nlr*, didnt say anything while we were passing and now come to the forums with NO PROOFS of anything to protect yourself as we have against you. Also you cannot come to the forums saying that you shouted, as you didnt, but also you saw us both aiming at the weed processer and decided to kill us. You have nothing to protect yourself just poor words from a guy that might even be your friend. 

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Your friend attempted to rob me at the weed field, i resisted and killed him. I had no knowledge of your intention and was merely going to the weed processor to rob people as trying to make money through hard work seems to never pay off because of players such as yourself. I did not break NLR as I had no knowledge of where you were going or what you were even doing. I don't care for what happened before as it was a new life and a fresh start. Yes, I don't have any proof and from now on I will record my games because of people such as yourselves. I did shout and I had attempted to try and make you both stop, i don't care what your video says, I know what I said and did and it was the right thing to do. End of situation, can you please both stop hassling me, I did not realize this simple situation that is a complete misunderstanding would turn into something like this. At the end of the day you were robbed and it just so happened to be the people that had killed me in a previous life, that isn't my problem and the fault is down to both of you that either ignored my threats.

Stop saying we ignored your threat. there were not any.

Its all about RP at the end of the day, and both times you answered with bullets.

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