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DSGT Spunky Combat logged

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
DSGT Spunky
Time & Date this happened: 
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 2
Description of what happened: 
combat logged after being killed 
What Rule Was Broken ?:
1B) Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
no as he didnt join back
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)http://imgur.com/k66jo0P
this picture shows the feed after his killed he disconnects 
and i dont want and other police commenting on this post only the admins and DSGT spunky as they will all gang up on me, my reason for doing this is if civs cant do it why can the police
My bad, alt-f4'd after that one. My first thought was that I had been rdm'd again, but I realize it was loud in the area & on ts and I probably didn't hear a countdown/warning properly.

No you didnt get rdm as my crew told u to put ur hands up several times and if you didnt you would be shot so 

Nobody should combat log police nor civs - but, you should know, there is zero benefit for a cop combat logging - gear is free etc.

I'd suggest you two have a chat on TS and kiss and make up - It's up to you of course Zack, you have a right to report, but consider the fact Spunky gets ZERO benefit from combat logging - there are no winners here.

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I don't want to kiss and make-up the fact is he combat logged and that's it other people who do it get banned for it so why shouldn't he as the other people don't get anything out of it also

No you are correct, but also, plenty of people work it out without ever making a report...

I'm doing exactly the same thing right now.

Up to you mate. I always prefer to try and work these things out.

Blood for the Blood God!
Fair is fair, I was banned for this back in April/May time when I played as a Rebel so I should have learned my lesson back then.

Well, leave it to you.

Im not one for getting people banned - especially if they're willing to admit their wrongs, but hey Zack, as you say it's your right to do it, so do whatever you feel necessary.

Spunky has been around for a long time, and whilst he makes mistakes (Same thing twice Spunky - come on!) his RP is usually exemplary. I hope that between now and him being banned, you experience the fun RP side Spunky is famous for.


Well im not one for banning but its got to the point were i dont want stuff like this to happen ill think about it

Well im not one for banning but its got to the point were i dont want stuff like this to happen ill think about it
Quite right to give it some thought, Spunky has been around almost as long as the server itself, give him a shout on TS and have a chat, call him a tit and see how you feel after. Take care.

Well im not one for banning but its got to the point were i dont want stuff like this to happen ill think about it

wow hold up!

combatlogg is still combat logg if he's been on the server for a year doesn't make any difference at all.

as people who been here for a year get's banned for stuff way easily this should not be removed like it's a special case...
Totally agree with you. Not said otherwise, just simply saying it's always worth talking it out (Several people on TS tonight would concur that I personally prefer that approach) - he should know better, he'll admit that himself. 

Don't put words into my "mouth". I haven't said he should get special treatment, not once.

Ban to be Issued Clear Violation of Server Rules Rule 1: Cheating, exploiting, hacking

All of the below offences are worthy of a ban, any Cheating, exploiting or Hacking on our server will result in a instant ban:

1A) Cheats, scripts or hacks of any kind are not allowed. Even those who are not considered harmful, like graphical enhancement utilities.
1B) Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit.
Please be Aware of this in the Future.
Awaiting Action 30/01/2015 Maratek
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