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Drug warehouses/lock ups


Drug lock ups similar to containers scattered around the city, similar to containers these lock ups would be hidden around the map and available for purchase through some sort of hidden/black market. Having the same door as a container and similar coding system to enter a walk in storage unit where things like weed can be grown or with enough money and renovations done to the container a possible coke processing table. These places would not be marked on the PNC similar to how containers are unless spotted entering by an officer. This would allow a more underground crime world to be implemented through the use of the current drug market and would make for great roleplay scenarios for both criminals and police if one of these places was raided.

I believe that the inclusion of this feature of processing/growing drugs would be a great addition to the server allowing those who can not buy a house due the current housing shortage or those who do not want a house so police can not find their drug crop as easily to be able to grow their own weed in secret to be able to make a decent amount of money. Maybe in buying these places more things would need to be bought in order to produce their drugs, for example heaters for weed as it would just be in a container after all and not a home.

Pros -

More roleplay scenarios between crims and cops

The ability for more players to make their own money

Police raids/ CID investigations 


Dev work 

More drug dealers

Possible inflation due to more money on the streets 

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I think this is a great idea, If done right this could add a whole new layer to crim RP. If I'm reading the suggestion correctly it could create 3 tiers of gang.

-Plain F6
-Container gangs
-Turf gangs

A lot of gangs start up and look promising (Titian, Knox & Vikings off the top of my head) but fizzle out. 

I assume this is because the gun market very exclusive and doesn't really allow for anyone outside of turf gangs to compete. With drugs there is room for someone to carve out a niche, but the common consensus is it's not worth it (even if you are 100% in it for the RP and not the profits).

I think Darren's suggestion could be used by staff to reward gangs like Titan, Knox & Vikings that have put in a lot of effort in building a gang from the ground up, making connections in the city and providing great RP but aren't quite ready for a turf.

However none of these groups are still around...

A gang like 229 in my opinion, would be the perfect group to test this out on the live server. A small instanced lockup that can be placed in their turf with upgrade options just like Darren suggested. They could buy a coke cutting bench and have a 'water tap' or 'sink' upgrade as well. Which would allow them to start viable crack cocaine production, maybe up the local sell price a little bit and we could see a whole new level of depth to crim/gang rp along with more crim/gang rp scenarios because of it.

*I have nearly 0 affiliation with 229, I only picked them as they are the only group I know of who I think may deserve something like this. 

@Howie Not even just for gangs I mean for general crims but thinking about what you've said it would be great for people who have had a gang for a while to be able to expand themselves as more of a faction/gang than just an F6 group. Possible upgrades that are more expensive than a normal container due to the nature of them being for financial gain. I believe people like 229 and what was Syndicate would have benefit(ed) from this making them not rely on other gangs who already have enough money to fund themselves.

I am also a fan of your idea regarding the production of crack through this too as it was something I had not considered myself as everyone is normally looking to buy coke or weed and think the drug market could do with a breathe of fresh air.


This a great suggestion and something that could benefit all gangs F6 and non F6.

To add on to this suggestion:

The idea of havining "Traphouses" similar to that in real life where gangs will find a rundown hidden house and use it to store and process drugs. The house can be can be raided by other criminals only when it is in use and someone is inside, giving an opportunity for gangs to rob each others stash and have some interesting roleplay scenarios. Police can also raid it if its location is found out.  Location of these traphouses would be hidden and can preferably be near to gang turf’s and also a few dotted around the whole map for general criminals too. Price of these houses should be very high as it is for groups of people.  


This a great suggestion and something that could benefit all gangs F6 and non F6.

To add on to this suggestion:

The idea of havining "Traphouses" similar to that in real life where gangs will find a rundown hidden house and use it to store and process drugs.
Imagine your sitting there with your crop and people just bust in the doors screaming armed police or just outright robbing the place 

Dont limit it to just coke. Look at the the other businesses in GTA Online currently available. Meth, Weed, Coke are all available with mapping. Heroin (if adjusted somewhat to be more viable to aquire, reimplement LSD, and Exctasy) and let the player(s) choose their space and upgrades/machines they want to use to implement. Let the gang or crew carve out its own identity through the drugs it produces. Layer upon layer of roleplay added.

If you're smart about it currently crack is absolutely viable in the current game despite the "limitations" currently. I do it for the rp but have made a lot of money off it too.

Add them on Cayo P as well as grapeseed, sandy shores, paleto etc. Get boat runs coming in with people out on the seas. Drug runners.

Darren i think this is an awesome idea.

@Ade Create a whole new world of crime starting with the drugs scene, more trafficking, dealing between players rather than just locals, potential meet ups between gangs over big drug orders/information but all coming at a price to ensure that the more profitable things aren't easy to get your hands on without connections or dedication to your work, not gatekeeping drugs through being in a gang. Also processed coke from prison, with the implementations of these warehouse/traphouses/lockups maybe a way to purify the coke from prison, I'm not sure how it would be gone about but I'm sure we could find out in RP.  

Id love to see the clubs in the city opened up as drug selling areas too. Just to add to this idea.

Humane labs would be another awesome place to integrate (or reintegrate) with materials being sourced from here to be used in the production. Methylamine barrels etc. a cutting agent (over and above the current) to ensure a higher grade of product (bigger pay off/more success rate for selling) would be 2 ideas. It could turn the server into a drug dealing simulator but itd be a LOT of fun for people with that inclination. 🙂

More work for the police too. An entire drug squad division set up to counteract the rising issues. the possibilities are limitless. I genuinely think your on to a winner here.

More work for the police too. An entire drug squad division set up to counteract the rising issues.
I think it would be good for a new division/sub division of police primarily focused on drug trafficking working hand in hand with CID for gaining evidence on sellers and suppliers meaning firearms can be utilised elsewhere whilst these officers focus on keeping the drugs off the street as the sales for them grow higher.
