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Drug prices changed?


I have noticed the prices on drugs have changed, Usually coke for one of them is 8k but now its changed to 5k, I am kinda sad that you all didnt post anything and somewhat swept it under the rug,

How is it not fair? Do you lose anything? It was just too high, people made money too easy.

How is it not fair? Do you lose anything? It was just too high, people made money too easy.
Because because who do not donate have to do 3 drug runs just to get properly geared, I won't donate till it seems fit but only to support the server....

If you didn't donate and all of a sudden after a update it went from 8.7 to 5.7 you would be pretty mad if nothing was even remotely said about it.. Put yourself in a non donators shoes who have to buy weapons up to 150k+ when you get them for 1/4 of the price.

Because because who do not donate have to do 3 drug runs just to get properly geared, I won't donate till it seems fit but only to support the server....

If you didn't donate and all of a sudden after a update it went from 8.7 to 5.7 you would be pretty mad if nothing was even remotely said about it.. Put yourself in a non donators shoes who have to buy weapons up to 150k+ when you get them for 1/4 of the price.
The TRG and Katiba are £80,000.. just buy that? You don't need an MX.

Because because who do not donate have to do 3 drug runs just to get properly geared, I won't donate till it seems fit but only to support the server....

If you didn't donate and all of a sudden after a update it went from 8.7 to 5.7 you would be pretty mad if nothing was even remotely said about it.. Put yourself in a non donators shoes who have to buy weapons up to 150k+ when you get them for 1/4 of the price.
Personally I dont think it is right to complain that donators get it easier, their prices are still the same, you both have to work exactly the same amount extra to get what you would of before.
Donators don't earn extra cash, they just get cheaper items.

As a Law Abiding Citizen I always thought coke was far too profitable, even given the risk involved. As well, it's not like it's hard to make money in other areas. Legal work brought in millions for me, and I did this without any weaponry at all. Just smile, be polite and humble, and the paper will practically make itself. I found I was killed more often if I had a Zubr, let alone an assault rifle.

No gear = less money needed to make profit. And manners cost nothing. LAC is still recruiting  :p


As a Law Abiding Citizen I always thought coke was far too profitable, even given the risk involved. As well, it's not like it's hard to make money in other areas. Legal work brought in millions for me, and I did this without any weaponry at all. Just smile, be polite and humble, and the paper will practically make itself. I found I was killed more often if I had a Zubr, let alone an assault rifle.

No gear = less money needed to make profit. And manners cost nothing. LAC is still recruiting  :p

Dain, you don't seem to understand or care for the money needed and the risks involved to deliver cocaine.

Here's a list of some stuff that you need to be aware of:

- Well organized cops.

- Time-consuming.

-  Risky.

- Risk of losing vehicles.

- Risk of losing gear.

You think this is too profitable? Not everyone can do it. You need to be able to have the men, weapons, transport and luck to do this shit. It's not called high risk, high reward for nothing.. Fuck me. Now that it is down to fucking 5k.. I don even see why the fucking I should put my head out for cocaine anymore. 

Fuck other means of making money. High risk, high reward is the way to go.

Then join a gang that can do it, Cocaine is not a 1 man job.

And what you seem to don't get / ignore is that he suggested you don't do cocaine and do some legal work instead.

This is how you do it right btw!!!

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Then join a gang that can do it, Cocaine is not a 1 man job.

And what you seem to don't get / ignore is that he suggested you don't do cocaine and do some legal work instead.

This is how you do it right btw!!!
Not ignoring. I am talking about high risk, high reward. Be a peasant of legal work if you please. Cocaine is not a 1-man job.. no shit! 

I am currently in a gang. 

You lack perspective. 


Not ignoring. I am talking about high risk, high reward. Be a peasant of legal work if you please. Cocaine is not a 1-man job.. no shit! 

I am currently in a gang.
Cocaine is still the biggest earner in the game, people were earning to much money from it, it needed curbing.

You lack perspective. 

And you really expect to get further help from this community ?

 You have been nothing but abusive/abrasive in most of your posts requesting things be run your way, when we point out its not built to suit your needs/environment you get all shirty about it.

Altis life = Roleplaying Life

Life = not fair

not fair = deal with it

deal with it = Stop whining

Good day, (or not i don't really care about you or your problems anymore)


No, but really where do you get abusive from? Just because someone is a bit vulgar doesn't mean someone is abusive and stuff.

Cocaine is still the biggest earner in the game, people were earning to much money from it, it needed curbing.

And you really expect to get further help from this community ?

 You have been nothing but abusive/abrasive in most of your posts requesting things be run your way, when we point out its not built to suit your needs/environment you get all shirty about it.

Altis life = Roleplaying Life

Life = not fair

not fair = deal with it

deal with it = Stop whining

Good day, (or not i don't really care about you or your problems anymore)
What in the name of.... I just read the last thing you wrote. 

Last time I checked the price of cocaine, it was not cheap. So, if you wanna bring Role-playing Life into it, get facts straight. 

I'm not whining. I'm expressing my opinion. Stop being so offender for nothing. I'm not bullying. I'm not holding a gun to your head and asking shit to be changed.

"...most of your posts requesting things be run your way, when we point out its not built to suit your needs/environment you get all shirty about it."

Most of my posts? I'd be more careful saying shit like that.  

As I said before... I'm just putting out my opinion. STOP CRYING. 

Have a nice day...or not!

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High risk, high reward is the way to go.
Well now your high reward is gone, perhaps you should go with it, along with your high and mighty attitude. I don't know who you think you are calling people peasants, that's just plain rude.

If you missed the memo I'm the King of Apples. If I can make £2,600,000 from picking fucking Apples you can keep your mouth shut about not having the ability to turn a profit on cocaine.

This is how you do it right btw!!!
Cheers Lionel for pointing that out. Mate, you want me to give you some pointers? All it takes is a little nous. Organised cops = predictable cops, Time consuming is the same for any line of work, consider it an investment in security, Risky if you're a fool about things and drive right up to the Kavala drug dealer in a HEMTT Box, Risk of losing anything applies only if you don't have a plan with redundancies. So far I've not lost a penny from running drugs. Low risk, high reward is the way to go.

I welcome the change - I love reassessing my business model, it keeps things fresh and optimised.

I've read the posts and I apologize for being somewhat rude. Now I just have to find something else to pay the bills with.  :mellow:

Also, I've come to the conclusion that Dain must have picked apples with Jesus himself! 2.6m takes time.  :D


Hi Filip, many thanks for your latest post, it is greatly appreciated, another good way to make money is shipwrecks :)

Hope to see you in game, or not.... I'm a medic ;)

Dain, you don't seem to understand or care for the money needed and the risks involved to deliver cocaine.

Here's a list of some stuff that you need to be aware of:

- Well organized cops.

- Time-consuming.

-  Risky.

- Risk of losing vehicles.

- Risk of losing gear.

You think this is too profitable? Not everyone can do it. You need to be able to have the men, weapons, transport and luck to do this shit. It's not called high risk, high reward for nothing.. Fuck me. Now that it is down to fucking 5k.. I don even see why the fucking I should put my head out for cocaine anymore. 

Fuck other means of making money. High risk, high reward is the way to go.
Well organised cops thanks man.
