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Drug Dealer Rule

CC Dave

Active member
UK, Plymouth
First off sorry that i didn't put this with my other post

The Drug Dealer Rule states that people with drugs on them that are aiming to sell or process them are free to engage police that approach them. this all sounds good and without this rule rebels that want to run drugs either get all their drugs taken from them and get a BIG fine and or get reported for RDM.

Yes it cleans up that rule and also in theory should work really well but im sure that police will agree with me that unfortunately there are a number of people exploiting this rule and carrying the drugs just so that they can open fire on police. this has made it very difficult for police to define RDM and role play because we have no way of knowing if they where carrying drugs.

The Admins are trying so hard to find a solution to this or some kind of compromise so help them out and comment with some logical suggestions as to what you think the rule should be.

The aim of the rule is to:

make sure rebels get some kind of chance to fight back

the police get some kind of a chance to know that the rebels aim to fight and not just give up.

we want to make this fair for everyone so please help us as the community and suggest what you think is fair.

As always Happy gaming.

This has been a paradox that has plagued us all for a while. The only thing I can think of at the moment is mutually saying "Declare your intentions." it's so simple it's ridiculous,but then there is always the "I didn't hear you" factor and the idea starts to fall apart. Either way I advise mutual stealth and screaming from behind a wall until a better idea rises. 

Whenever I'm running drugs I always store my weapon somewhere an fetch some civilian clothes with me. That way you raise no suspicion and my success rate is pretty good. If I get caught I usually face the consequences or act smart.

Whenever I'm running drugs I always store my weapon somewhere an fetch some civilian clothes with me. That way you raise no suspicion and my success rate is pretty good. If I get caught I usually face the consequences or act smart.
Mate thats excatly what I did hide all the gear, trucks etc somewere close ditch the guns grab the civvy clothes and sell the drugs when the popo wasnt looking rasing no suspicion. Sort of like metal gear solid meets GTA.
Remember Police are not aloud to stop and question you unless they have reason to stop you for example wearing rebel clothes or a gun over shoulder or acting weirdly.

Even if the police officer does stop you then RP out of it and if they use your name above your head without you telling them then they failed the RP and must release you as the RP has been broken Simple!

If your a large group then split up and do it discreetly. If anyone can give me one real life example were an army of UK drug dealers have just walked in through town shot every police officer in sight, sold drugs and walked back out then I will eat my own foot.

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Here's a post I made about this topic a few weeks ago: 

RP starts when you (the rebels) get close to the drug dealer. 

That's insane. Do you know how open to abusive that is? 

  • I'll stand by this drug dealer and RDM any cop/civ who I see near it.
  • You were moving towards the dealer so i wasn't sure if you were going to attack me/question me/etc so I shot you without saying anything to be safe.

I think you forgot that this is a ROLEPLAY server. There are dealers now in the red zone if you want to sell your drugs with little interference. But if you want bigger rewards, you have to take bigger risks, and put more effort into NOT getting caught. Trying to remove RP as well as making it easier to access undermines that. 

If you land near athira in a helicopter (which everyone can see), then dress in full rebel gear and sprint to the dealer, if we see you, you're going to get questioned. BECAUSE IT'S OBVIOUS YOU'RE SELLING DRUGS. Which warrants investigation, questioning and searching. 

And getting the rules changed so you can just gun down anyone along the way is idiotic. 

How about using a distraction.

How about putting civ clothes on and just walking around then sneaking off to sell the drugs.

How about using multiple civs/rebels to do surveillance on the police and the dealer so you can sell when it's clear.

How about driving up using a normal car and parking it next to the general store SIX FEET AWAY and just pretending to buy there.

Here's some facts about busting drugs:

1) Police have no right to search you for drugs unless you are acting suspiciously (eg heli, rebel clothes running from dealer)

2) We can only get the names of people who have sold. If you haven't sold yet, we can't arrest you. If your licence doesn't match to anyone on the wanted list, we have no reason to arrest you. Which means we can't search you for drugs.

4) Even when we get the names of sellers, we can only then arrest the individuals if we can identify them. EG: 

  • ANPR provides your name
  • you're acting suspiciously, and then are asked to provide ID
  • you tell us your name (yes people actually sell drugs then give us their name willingly!)
  • Side note: We can request Licence and Registration from anyone driving a vehicle without reason. But not search.
3) It's very hard to tell when people have sold drugs. But here are some dead give-aways:

  • resisting arrest/questioning
  • using a vehicle registered to you for selling drugs. (ANPR will reveal owners name, which can be cross-referenced)
  • Sprinting to and from a vehicle, towards the dealer. MULTIPLE TIMES.
The reason you're probably getting caught is because you're doing one or more of the above things. You might as well text the police saying "Hey I'm wearing rebel gear and I'll be landing at the football pitch in Athira to sell drugs. Could you guys break for lunch now for 5min please?"

Instead of looking for a way to kill everything (and in this case with very limited RP, in a city full of people), why not try and put some effort into a decent plan? You'll find it much more entertaining, and we will too. You'll also get FAR more respect from us and others in doing so.

I've just provided everyone in the sever multiple ways to sell drugs. And not get caught. If you need guns as well you're doing it wrong. 
I know it's a long read but hopefully it's useful. Personally, if you want sell drugs, you should do covertly. Not all guns blazing. All this new rule says to me is, "I can't RP, or sneakily sell my drugs. So the ONLY other option is to shoot any cop who comes near."

My post above mentions SEVERAL methods to sell drugs without getting caught. Guys. This is information from a high rnaking officer, who stops drug busts nearly every day he's online. And He's telling you how to abuse the system and get away with it! 

Knowing someone is selling drugs, but you can't search or stop them is by FAR, WAY way more fun AND ENTERTAINING for BOTH SIDES, then Cops getting light up before they even come around the corner.

I understand selling drugs is hard, and risky, but you get A LOT of money from it. That's the trade off. If you want easy money, sell it in the red zone. Athira has some lovely peaches this time of year. Try harvesting those! ;) This is an RP Game. Not GTA. Not everything needs to solved by allowing one side to shoot the other first. 

Sorry Heatproof i don't think i saw your post from earlier but thanks for sharing it again mate.

Sorry Heatproof i don't think i saw your post from earlier but thanks for sharing it again mate.
That's fine Dave, it's an older post. It's interesting that I did predict that if their suggestion was to be allowed (which is has), people would abuse it.


I told you so :p  

A lot of people have abused it unfortunatly but i did mention at the start of this post NO NAMES. this is not a report this is a friendly post where rebels and police can discuss to make the server balanced. thank you again

A shame that people misuse this ability. I think it has to be individually considered in each case, ie. 1 cocaine is not enough...
