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DragonFly best quote ever


Well-known member
Grosse ILe MI
 lets shake the server! and lets do the best RP in AltisLife.co.UK history! (DragonFLy 2014)

in reference to our pledge to role play to the extremes every minute detail

example) here is the situation i was out gunned take hostage taken back to Pygros smoke was thrown in my container and i pretended to pass out unfortunately the server crashed before he pulled out.

example) DragonFly refused to drop his illegal weapon/gear so we told him to drop it he refused we than tazed him or to work him to cooperate eventually he did.

example) i was on an island he came to have a late night chat about where we stand and as foes and how he did not want to be the bad guy but he had a hit team waiting for his call to kill my family and had a inside man at the pow camp my brother john who went MIA during one of their Operations to kill him

example) this video  

copy/paste links made this whole video for rp as this one 

This is allways pleasure when we captive police, especially Maratek and you of course =)) Last time, Maratek and his men changed their name for black ops. We caught them in the Pyrgos Rebel Post and get conflict. We just landed to the post then when I turn my back, my chopper went scraped. I realise that moment one police officer exist and alive. I just went to him he just yelling don't shot don't shot I'm rebel! But I knew he is cop but the name was so stranger. 

I said, according to my intelligence you are cop and we took you hostoge. Shot a video again like what we did to you. He said his real id. When he said "I am D.I Maratek and I'm taking captive by ATWA SCUMS! Cmon guys shoot that bastards!!" I was shocked.. I have to accept it that was real a good quality RP. =)) Then we took a trip he didn't stay easy. So I'm executed him in a middle of nowhere. But he was wearing ballistic vest. He got lethal scars but T-Robot able to save him and he is not say anything for 2 days like he is in hospital =))

But one more great RP is coming up! Just stay tune, we are after great persons. ;)  
