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Dr E. Ville aka Dr Edgar aka the arse doctor...


Retired Troll. Human. Not religious. Occasionally
Lincolnshire, UK
I'd love to locate the resplendent fellow known as Dr Edgar. After his sterling effort in removing the rogue parsnip (a prize winner) from Lord Sandisk, he has become something of an urban legend.

He is the perfect addition to our swelling ranks and would be allowed to forgo the usual 'initiations' that would ensure a place by the side of his lordship... why? Because not only is he an excellent field medic and surgeon but he is fucking hilarious.

"I[t was] thicker than my forearm, Sir!"

- I rest my case.

There may be a community action trust reward for information leading to his whereabouts.

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Check the Proctology Department of the Altis Royal Hospital,I heard his office is in the rear.

Our dream of locating him will become reality. 

The man is a hero...


This was the little brother of the parsnip retrieved from Lord Sandisk's anal tract...

I am going to search for Dr edgar tonight! its seems that.....ahem........the lord has moved on to marrows.......

                                                Hi Dogs! *Waves*       
