I'm predicting a huge downvote on this, but thought I'd throw my idea into the forums anyway.
It might just be me - but I've never understood the value of dodgy doctor, being on both sides of being defibbed and dishing it out.
Sadly it appears on the report section of the forum all too often - issues at dodgy doctor - and both parties can be to blame.
The downed parties not wanting to lose their items, or would rather die and their inventory deleted than give it to whoever is trying to get it off them - so there is a lot of NVL.
On the other end of the situation - sayings have become commonplace on this server "get them to dodgy" "scoop them and get them dodgied" - we all know what it means - no one is looking to pay money for a defib to gain a few smoothies.
Now that's not to say that this happens 100% of the time, I imagine there are certain scenarios where dodgy doctor is used for good RP, but I think we would be naive to believe that its used for good roleplay more often than not.
Whilst I appreciate that RPUK is a game and should be treated as such - certain things should be accepted because "gaming" - the idea of defibbing someone who effectively has died of a stabbing, GSW, fall from a great hieght - doesn't seem all to realistic either.
I'd put forward that Dodgy Doctor get's removed all together and in place of that, to satisfy the needs of violent thieves, any player that is downed can be 'skill checked' and 'searched' via third eye - as with anything following a skill check, a loading bar will appear and depending on how long you stay searching - you can find a number of items in a players inventory - kind of like shops (33% 66% 99% etc)
What you find is random, you could walk away with a smoothie, fuel and a hairband, or you could walk away with weapons, ammo, armour - or any combination of any items that are in the inventory. (Or you might not walk away at all because someone has found you searching their mate and gives you a slap)
For the avoidance of doubt, I don't believe this should interfere or replace the mechanic where you can take a radio/smartphone/bodycam off people - that should stay as it is.
- Less reports surrounding DD - free's up staff time.
- RNG searching imo is more exciting
- Dev time
- Some people won't like it
It might just be me - but I've never understood the value of dodgy doctor, being on both sides of being defibbed and dishing it out.
Sadly it appears on the report section of the forum all too often - issues at dodgy doctor - and both parties can be to blame.
The downed parties not wanting to lose their items, or would rather die and their inventory deleted than give it to whoever is trying to get it off them - so there is a lot of NVL.
On the other end of the situation - sayings have become commonplace on this server "get them to dodgy" "scoop them and get them dodgied" - we all know what it means - no one is looking to pay money for a defib to gain a few smoothies.
Now that's not to say that this happens 100% of the time, I imagine there are certain scenarios where dodgy doctor is used for good RP, but I think we would be naive to believe that its used for good roleplay more often than not.
Whilst I appreciate that RPUK is a game and should be treated as such - certain things should be accepted because "gaming" - the idea of defibbing someone who effectively has died of a stabbing, GSW, fall from a great hieght - doesn't seem all to realistic either.
I'd put forward that Dodgy Doctor get's removed all together and in place of that, to satisfy the needs of violent thieves, any player that is downed can be 'skill checked' and 'searched' via third eye - as with anything following a skill check, a loading bar will appear and depending on how long you stay searching - you can find a number of items in a players inventory - kind of like shops (33% 66% 99% etc)
What you find is random, you could walk away with a smoothie, fuel and a hairband, or you could walk away with weapons, ammo, armour - or any combination of any items that are in the inventory. (Or you might not walk away at all because someone has found you searching their mate and gives you a slap)
For the avoidance of doubt, I don't believe this should interfere or replace the mechanic where you can take a radio/smartphone/bodycam off people - that should stay as it is.
- Less reports surrounding DD - free's up staff time.
- RNG searching imo is more exciting
- Dev time
- Some people won't like it