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Does wearing the ARAC uniform mean you are classed as being on-duty &/or representing ARAC?


Well-known member
Manchester, England, UK
Rule 8.3.1 states “ARAC members must be wearing the uniform while they are performing ARAC duties.”

So does this rule mean that any one who is wearing an ARAC uniform is seem as being on duty or representing ARAC and therefore should be following the ARAC rules?

One of the reasons why I am asking this is that in real life if you wear a uniform for your job role, but you are not on shift/working but in uniform, you are still seen as representing your employer and any actions you do while in that uniform can have consequences with your employer. Also I do understand this server/community is more about role-play then realism.

The other reason I ask is that I have seen report videos were people are in ARAC uniform and are role-playing poorly i.e. counting down, or I have seen someone in the ARAC uniform driving a Hemet box truck from a drug dealer, while in a mini convoy.

Another way of me putting this question is while you are not on-duty but wearing the ARAC uniform, do you still need to abide by the ARAC server rules?

Thank you for reading, drive safely J

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