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Does anyone else enjoy reading the ban appeals?


Active member
Northern Ireland
Does anyone else enjoy reading the ban appeals?

I've been recently just going through everyone's ban appeal and some of them are funny and stupid :p

80% of my posts are in that forum. So glad we have the staff team now to deal with them.

I actually think that most of them are a huge waste of our time TBH... Wish people would be more straight up and honest it gets you a lot further with all the staff team.

I actually think that most of them are a huge waste of our time TBH... Wish people would be more straight up and honest it gets you a lot further with all the staff team.
This is the best way to get unbanned. We really have seen it all.

It's weird that we find it interesting cause some people can be so dumb when writing why they should be unbanned and then followed by the replies. Some of them get cheeky with the staff and doesn't go well for them 

I enjoy reading them. Amazing how much you can learn about a person through how they write their appeal, and how much of seemingly simple information can paint a picture of someone.

It's interesting because you can get a portrail of both person that is banned and the staff that banned them.

It's interesting what bullshit people say to get unbanned

But it's also interesting to see that people may be banned for seeminly small things

When I recently got banned I've spent most of my days just reading the ban appeals and I don't know why I find it interesting but I do and after awhile of reading a bunch of ban appeals you develop... Sort of a sense and you can almost tell either is the person is lying or not... And some are just really bad at lying 


I found that ban appeal to be quite funny.  There's some that don't put in any effort into the ban appeals at all and some wonder why or get mad.  And there's some will start a argument with one of the staff and never goes down well
