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Django and Yesui RDMing (Rejected with warning)

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Lord Nero

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Django and Yesui
Time & Date this happened: 23/02/15 01:55am
Which Server did this happen on:Altislife.co.uk #1
Description of what happened:I went to the bank in Athira and was shot instantly then someone ran over and took my money I went back and the same thing happened again after a few people moaned about them in sidechat they started to do the same thing but actually roleplaying the situation instead of just rdming I asked for my money back but they both just ignored me.
What Rule Was Broken ?:RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:Yes
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
I said it in the game, as well as now.  I was role playing a sniper. Like in real life which happens sadly but yeah. I didn't know that i had to speak or something like that. Then Hatchingdraggon and some other helpful people tell me how can i do that without getting yells i changed my tactic simple as it is. Where i shot people was really close to the Police Headquarters in Athira. Also i got killed as any attacker can be. 

Instead of waving ban flags the second something you don't like happens, it would be nice to tell it first. Like people who actually took time to correct it.

I did not get any messages from you by the way. Whatever money you lost can be compensated.  

The talks on the side chat were also about some guy called Sneaky not me.

Kind Regards

In my video you can clearly hear me asking for my money back to your friend Yesui which fell on deaf ears i said if I didn't get my money back i would take it to the forums i never got it back so here i am. In regards to what you were roleplaying i suggest you fully read the rules before doing anything what you did is not allowed end of story changing your tactic to proper roleplay after is unacceptable and saying you didn't know in the first place is not an excuse it is your responsibility to check these things out beforehand. The poeple i spoke to about you wasn't in sidechat we were standing near the car shop in Athira with your friend Yesui discussing you when you had finally stopped shooting.

The reason i stopped shooting was mentioned. How to properly rp that guy. Yesui did not tell me anything about money. As i said, you did not contact me but Yesui. Also i said i did not know how to properly rp my character which ended in this topic. I am sorry but that shouldnt mean going all BAN mania on me.

Look mate all rp has to be done through voice not saying anything or typing in chat is not rp that is just rdm end of story and the rules specifically say that rdming is a banable offence i have video evidence of you doing the act against server rules i gave your friend a chance to give me the money back you were working as a team so weather i said it to you or him it doesn't matter you had your chance it is in the admins hands now.

Ok I would have banned this guy outright if it wasn't for you breaking RP on voice in game.

I will issue a warning to both player here.

Django you cannot RP a sniper. You must initiate RP with everyone when you are robbing and killing. I think you realize that now.

Lord Nero do not break RP in game over voice ever! If you cannot contact the player through the messaging system or TS then report them and this conversation would never have happened.

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