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Disputing The Disruptive Ban... (Denied - Unable to locate)

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Members account locked by Request

The name is Jack. Also known on the server as Disruptive, Jacksplat or DisruptiveGamer.
I'd like to dispute my ban, So first of let me start with what I've been banned for...

1. Apparently exploiting a glitch even though I said to the officers it was an accident..
2. Killing Charlie Brown in the greenzone..

There is Also a Few other things people have complained about but the first thing i'd like to address is the glitch exploit,
I HAD NO IDEA I WAS EVEN RESTRAINED, I was knocked out from rubber bullets, (already in a gunfight with the police) I got up and seen a cop in front of me I shot and killed him, out of panic.. I had no idea I was even "glitching" when the cop started to talk to me about it he completely ignored what I had to say and said he was going to report me EVEN THOUGH he had been revived and lost 0 gear and I got arrested... absolutely pathetic... he completely broke out of character over a small misunderstanding just because I killed him hes that annoyed to just report me straight away...  how immature!

Secondly I don't even have to say much about charlie brown... HE CLEARLY WAS PROVOKING ME CALLING ME A TWAT JUST SO I'D KILL HIM, right I killed him in the green zone, I understand its wrong but its not like i ran round kavala killing every single person, I killed a new spawn who was being abusive towards me... 

I've learned my lesson, If you have seen me in game the majority of people are nice with me only a small minority have had things to say (most of which are cops) which should be a good thing being on a cops bad side right? it adds with the role play of me being a rebel? anyway I've been known to rob people and give them their money back just for them cooperating well and being nice with me, that's how much I take roleplay seriously... Me and my friends also helped a few new players out in the past taking them on runs and giving them money.. so to answer the question, Do I deserve a ban? NO! absolutely not, do the people who I have wronged deserve an apology? YES, most certainly, I am completely sorry if I caused any "Disruptive" behavior, please try to understand why I've done those things and what would you have done in my situation, I hope to be back on the server soon, as I spent a lot of hours on it! would be shit if it was all for nothing... Thanks for reading this dispute and taking it into account..



Over the first issue, fair enough but please try to be mature with your response. The restrain glitch is extremely frustrating and is something the police have to deal with on a daily basis. Once you are restrained you should know about it right away. Do not attempt to kill anyone after you hear the noise.

The second issue is not excusable. You say you are the consumate roleplayer but decided to just get your gun out and break server rules and kill in the green zone. Perhaps lure him outside and blow his brains away.

I am still 50/50 wether you are the kind of person that deserves a second chance due to the aggresiveness of your play style. Please feel free to try to change my mind.

I get it I've been aggressive, I came back on after months of not playing and all these new laws and rules had me baffled, I agree though some of the things I've done are inexcusable, but I have learned my lesson, I can only give you my word as an adult it won't happen again, sorry again...


I am all for giving people a second chance and in this case I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I will however, be watching you.

Ensure you read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID, not your Arma ID, for a final chance on the server.

I am all for giving people a second chance and in this case I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I will however, be watching you.

Ensure you read our rules quoting here which rule you have broken and post your GUID, not your Arma ID, for a final chance on the server.
Rule 4A: Safe zones

Killing = Instant Ban, No killing in the safezone... no killing from outside the safezone if someone is inside it and no killing people outside the safezone from the safezone.

My GUID: 55f0ca913abda5875993faf9b911da5b

Invaild GUID..

Please open a new request with your steam id and link this post when you read this.

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