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Dima Mayakov - Lost money

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Not American
London, United Kingdom
In-game name: [EXP] Stk. Dima Mayakov

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): STEAM_0:1:46577105

Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 1/7/15   -   20:40
What was lost:  967,000 in cash

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 967,000 in cash from my bank account.

Quick description of what happened:

I sold my HEMT full of weed in kavala, I put my HEMT in my garage, took out and offroad and while I was driving I was kicked from the server for no given reason.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

Bank Balance After


Me Getting Kicked


Sadly do not have a before picture, hope the logs will be able to show 967k being put into the bank.

(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, that you had that money or items)
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Sorry mate but for me the evidence is not strong enough for comp of 967,000. ill comp 300,000 if you ok with that?

Also the guid needs to be all numbers

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Every little helps, thanks for looking into this. I supply the GUID as soon as possible.

sorry i meant an ID that is all numbers :/

you can find that when in arma 3 starter screen in configuration

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